How to easily manifest your every desire. 

The word manifestation according to the oxford languages dictionary is defined as the action or act of showing something. It further goes on to say that manifestation can be said to be a demonstration or display.

To be honest, a few years ago, I had no idea what the word manifestation meant apart from the definition above. So, what does manifestation really mean? 

Manifestation simply means to consciously pursue your goals and desires in accordance with the laws that govern reality being well aware that you are a co-creator with the universe, God, or whatever higher power you believe in and that getting what you want is governed by precise laws that are impartial, unemotional and universal. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Every living thing in existence is spiritual first and is governed by universal laws that work just as gravity. It doesn’t matter whether you know or understand how gravity works, if you go up, you must come down. The same concept applies to how we experience reality.

Every aspect of our existence is governed by precise universal laws of nature that work automatically like gravity.

Consciousness is the fabric of existence and in every moment of your existence, you manipulate it through the energy you emit through your attention without even knowing it. Universal laws of nature govern this energy and in case you haven’t read any of my previous articles, you emit energy just by existing, your mind acting as the control center that governs how this energy is utilized.  

Your life whether you consider it to be positive or negative is already a manifestation or a projection of your consciousness that exists beyond this physical realm, just as a major part of an iceberg is submerged below the water’s surface level, physical reality is just a ‘tip of the iceberg’.

Referring to the definition above, your life is the display/manifestation of your state of consciousness. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Manifestation is like breathing, just as you have to breathe for you to exist, as long as you are alive, you are the one manifesting this reality through the subconscious beliefs you received as a child which act as a software program that projects your life into this third-dimensional reality. 

This is what I am trying to get at….

You automatically manifest your reality without ‘thinking’ about it just as you don’t have to think about breathing. The manifestation process is governed by immutable universal laws and when you work in accordance with them, you can consciously choose to manifest certain changes in your life. The purpose of this article is to give you valuable tips and tricks that I have learned along the way, to make conscious manifestation easier. 

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1. Do not chase, attract by shifting your identity. 

When I first dived into the ocean of conscious manifestation, I consumed a lot of content from creators with the promise of a perfect manifestation technique that never fails, and every time I rushed to implement it into my life but it didn’t work as quickly as I had been promised. 

With time, I realized that the techniques didn’t work as well as I had hoped and it’s not because the creators lied, it is because I realized that just the concept of applying a certain manifestation technique implied and reinforced the idea that I do not have it yet and this alone defies the law of attraction. you see, We attract who we are not what we want!

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

The most important thing you’ll have to do when it comes to conscious manifestation is to work towards becoming the version of yourself who already has what you want for it to come to you. One of the most powerful universal laws of nature is the law of vibration.

It states that everything in the universe is made up of energy that vibrates at different rates or frequencies. Things that vibrate at the same frequency are magnetized or attracted to each other like attracts like.

This means that you have to become the version of yourself who already has the things you want for the things you want to be magnetized to you. Just as tuning to a certain radio frequency, you have to shift your identity to the version of you that already has what you want.

So, instead of working with a specific manifestation technique, work on shifting your identity or sense of self by practicing and embodying the feeling of the wish already fulfilled. 

Don’t get me wrong, manifestation techniques do work, but working in this fashion means that you will have to use your conscious mind to try and manifest things into your life, and like I said, manifestation is like breathing, imagine living every day having to think about breathing! 

This is also not sustainable because your ego, the security guard to the subconscious mind, would not let any contradicting belief bypass it. This is because it fears change and loves control. For something to sip down into the subconscious mind, it will need a lot of repetition and dedication.

For this reason, your ego will thwart almost all your attempts to keep up with the repetition. You’ll end up forgetting to practice the technique or you will lose morale. 

Thoughts and feelings have a reciprocal relationship, the more you spend time practicing feeling the emotion; i.e. tapping into the frequency, you’ll realize that your thoughts/mindset will shift.

Surround yourself with the environment that contains what you want for instance people, and pictures, follow personalities on social media who you believe embody the qualities you desire, and so on. This should be done on a regular basis and the goal is to feed the emotion of already having it. This is how you shift your identity.

Start assuming the role of the version of yourself that has whatever it is that you desire and just like water takes the shape of whichever container it is put in, you have to shift your identity for your life to change and not the other way around. Your financial situation, health, relationship, and every aspect of your life are based on how you view yourself!

2. The law of attraction works through your subconscious beliefs, not your conscious thoughts. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

As I said before, manifestation is an automatic process like breathing. Naturally, anybody should be able to get what they want effortlessly.

The problem is, we are born into a matrix, a world that programs us with limiting beliefs and self-doubt, inhibiting our ability to believe that we deserve the good we desire, and guess what? belief creates your reality!

A major aspect of our existence exists in the spiritual realm that is beyond our senses, which is governed by the subconscious mind, most people do not know that they have the keys to the kingdom literally and end up settling for way less than they deserve. 

You have a series of subconscious beliefs that work automatically just like a software program that manifests your current reality. 

If there’s something you really want but you don’t have it yet, it means deep down you don’t believe you deserve it! Belief is the precursor for every physical experience! This means that  You do not have a program/belief that allows it to be there or what most people refer to as your ‘mindset’. 

You see, for you to successfully achieve anything in the physical reality, it has to happen in one of the following two ways;  it has to be conveyed into the subconscious mind for it to manifest into real life or you already have a program that allows it to be there’ as Dr. Bruce Lipton passionately states. The subconscious mind is what turns thoughts into things. 

Anything that has ever worked out in your favor was a result of the idea absorbed down into the subconscious mind and this applies to everyone whether we do it consciously or unconsciously. Think of it as your own rich fertile soil.

If things seem not to be working out in certain areas of your life, it means you have to uproot harmful weeds which not only deplete all the nutrients from other plants but also take up space that is needed for planting edible fruits.  

Fear, self-doubt worry, anxiety, and so forth are the weeds. Rewiring your subconscious mind with positive and empowering beliefs through repeating affirmations is equivalent to uprooting the weeds in your garden and planting the seeds that you want.

The attention given through this process is the water and with time, the seeds will turn into a bountiful harvest. What weeds do you need to uproot from your garden?

3. The power of a manifestation routine or ritual. 

Before you come for my neck, no I do not mean a blood ritual or anything of that nature. Listen, you have a powerful manifestation machine at your disposal that is designed to fulfill your every wish. This is your own subconscious mind, think of it like your own ‘God’. 

This mind is like the control center of your spiritual aspect of yourself. It is feminine in nature and will always bend to your will but it is only ‘open’ during childhood when it receives ‘downloads’ which act as your ‘life software program’.

Once you cross the 7-year mark your brain shifts into a different state of consciousness and your ego, which is the identity you adopted from all your childhood experiences becomes like the security guard to the subconscious mind. 

Think of your ego as a filtering mechanism that only lets you perceive reality through a specific lens. Anything that does not resonate with what you believe to be true about reality is filtered out of your perception through a phenomenon called cognitive bias. 

Image by yusuf kazancı from Pixabay

This is why when you say an affirmation like I am rich, there is a voice that will counter this thought because that is not the program stored in the subconscious mind. Meaning that there is no record of experiences and a corresponding emotion to support this. 

Plus, the subconscious mind is purely spiritual, it mostly understands one language, emotions! There is a way you feel about every situation in your life which is safeguarded by the ego. If you lack something in your life there is already a way you feel that corresponds to that lack and when you use affirmations, this is when the ego will step in and be like Nah, you are not that, have you looked at your life? This is because the ego is designed to uphold whatever you believe to be true whether it is factual or not!

Enter rituals. In adulthood, the subconscious mind can be programmed through one powerful, failproof way, repetition. This mind is susceptible to repetition because it acts like a tape recorder, capturing all the experiences that you’ve ever had and drawing conclusions that influence the course of your life.

Because this mind is always listening, always watching, and although it doesn’t understand man-made languages, it will monitor your habits to try and figure out what that habit means for you. Your habits are physical expressions of the subconscious programs/beliefs you hold. Your life will turn out according to the nature of your beliefs through your habits whether you do this consciously or not. 

Knowing this, we can use this technique to get into the subconscious mind. Performing a certain manifestation technique repeatedly so that the subconscious mind can draw conclusions and bring into physical reality whatever we may desire by bypassing the security guard or the ego. Let me demonstrate. 

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

A ritual is a series of actions with a specific intention. Every time you want to manifest something you will be using this same series of actions and your subconscious mind will get the idea that you desire to manifest something into physical reality.

This means that there will be a clear line of communication between the conscious and the subconscious mind. Believe it or not, most of the problems that people experience result from miscommunication between these two minds.

This is what a ritual is. It is like ‘a sequencing operation’ to launch or run a machine, picture it like a rocket launching sequence we see in movies. A ritual is like a prescription to the subconscious mind. 

Scientists estimate that up to 95% of our lives is run automatically by the subconscious mind. We have already established that the subconscious mind operates purely through habituation, meaning that your entire life consists of mini-rituals or habits enforced by your ego.

This is why it is said that 90% of people who make new year’s resolutions fall off ten days after the 1st of January! 

We are habitual beings! Your entire life function primarily through a series of mini rituals/habits that comprise who you are. You have a morning routine/ritual, bedtime, and maybe a weekend routine. In the same way, you should have a manifestation ritual, meaning you create a series of habits that you will be using anytime you desire to manifest change. 

For example, there is a technique by Neville Goddard that I love. He calls it the telephone technique. Before you fall asleep, this is when your mind is in a different state of consciousness that disengages the ego/conscious mind. You should imagine calling a loved informing them that you got your manifestation.

Imagine calling your best friend, mum, partner, or the one person who you call first when you get good news. Let’s say it’s a relationship you desire, on the call, describe to them the qualities of your new partner, picture the excitement your loved one would feel for you, and so forth. Give this ‘phone call’ all the tones of reality. You get the idea.

Or you could choose to use scripting as your manifesting ritual. Write a letter thanking the universe, God, or whatever higher power you believe in as though you have already received your wishes. This is because vibration is the only language that divine intelligence understands.

This intelligence only seeks to indiscriminately reproduce whatever we feel and it does not discriminate between good and bad feelings. Writing a ‘thank you letter’ is a powerful way to use the law of vibration to shift into your desired reality.

The goal here is to repeat a certain manifestation routine such as scripting until it works (it might not work on the first attempt). Once it works, you’re going to use this exact same technique every time you wish to manifest something because you have already programmed this routine to work like ‘a rocket sequencing operation’ to bring you whatever you desire.

4. The power of ‘a vacuum’

Image by from Pixabay

Here’s the thing, there is no vacuum in the universe. It is impossible! Even the ‘empty space’ you see all around is not even empty! Scientists have already confirmed this. But that is not what I want to talk about.

You see, the universe is constantly moving towards expansion and it is designed to give us what we want always! This is why Yahushua or the man most people refer to as Jesus, taught about how you cannot ask for bread and be given a stone! But the asking is through your vibration, not with words!

In every area of your life, you always get what you want through the vibration you emit which comes from your deeply held beliefs. If you radiate a feeling of not having it yet, that’s an order that the subconscious mind must fulfill! 

Image by Peter H from Pixabay

So what is this vacuum? It is a metaphor for expectation! The expectation is the vacuum that must be filled. When you expect something, you fully trust that it is going to show up no matter what!

It’s like calling a trusted friend for help and they assure you they will help. In this case, you expect them to deliver and you wouldn’t call every five minutes to follow up. This is insanity. Or it’s like waiting for delivery you KNOW is coming without a shred of doubt. 

The power of expectation has been demonstrated through the placebo effect where patients have been tricked into healing themselves by taking something like a sugar pill which they believed was the real drug.

Expectation disengages the ego and directly taps into the power of the subconscious mind. This is because, when you expect something, you believe it is going to show up without a shred of doubt. Expectation is the end product of belief! reality bends to the nature of your beliefs, belief is the law of the subconscious mind.

So what do you do when you expect something? You make room for it. You adjust your life to make way for what you expect because you know it’s on the way. Note that the expectation is both an internal and an external shift. Just as you expect something is coming, you have to take specific actions to make room for what you expect. 

For example, if you are expecting your mother to send you money for rent, you wouldn’t worry about where you are going to get money for rent and in case your landlord calls to ask for it, you would confidently inform them that you’re going to pay them. This is how you create a vacuum, and by default, this vacuum CAN NEVER stay empty because there is no vacuum in the universe!

Just as in the example above, you can create a vacuum and the things you desire will be magnetized to you very fast. If it is a relationship that you are desiring, make mental room for your new partner. By expecting with full conviction that they are going to show up, you don’t expect to spend your time the same way you used to.

You will have to make mental room for your new relationships. It’s like you travel forward in time, foresee the adjustments this manifestation will bring, and expect these changes by mentally prepping yourself for it with full conviction.

If you want manifest weight loss, you’ll buy smaller outfits because you expect that soon you’re going to wear them!

If you ordered a Television set online and you KNOW the delivery is on the way, you’ll make room for the new appliance by removing the old TV set out of the way to make room for the new one. You can already foresee how you’re going to enjoy the new gadget this automatically shifts how you feel!

5. The power of intention 

Image by Ghinzo from Pixabay

We have already established that we manifest every event into our lives automatically through the software program or subconscious beliefs that run our lives.

This means that if you desire change, you are working against a program that is already running with heavy momentum. It’s like trying to swim against strong river currents! An intention is like an overriding instruction against this heavy current of energy that is already moving in the direction that you don’t want. 

This is because the universal forces within each of us behave like water. They submit to our will just as water takes the shape of whichever container it is put in.

An intention is a mental direction with a corresponding feeling. Because manifestation happens on autopilot when you make an intention you redirect the river currents or subconscious programs to a new destination.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Start to tap into the power of intention to manifest small changes like intending everything to go your way once you wake up, or make an intention to become the best version of yourself when you go for that first date, and so on.

In case you haven’t noticed, most of the time, we unconsciously fear or resist what we don’t want. For example, I don’t want to get late, I do not want to make a fool of myself on that first date or I don’t want to run out of money!

The universe acts like a giant cosmic photocopy machine, it is designed to give you whatever you radiate through your vibration. What you resist, persists. What you fear you will get! To override this, make intentions before any undertaking, preferably right after you wake up by visualizing everything going just like how you would like it to go until you flood your whole body with positive emotions.

As I have stated before, you emit energy every moment of your existence and our mind is biased towards negativity thanks to the programming of this matrix! This means that you are wired to expect the worst and by default, you spend most of your time running away from it and as consequence, you fuel the undesired situation bringing more of it.

To counteract this, harness the power of setting intentions and expecting the best possible outcome in every situation by directing your energy to a specific outcome. Start small and work your way up.

kindly leave your thoughts below.

Until the next post.

In Gratitude 🖤
