Why are some people always sad and miserable while others seem to always be happy and full of joy? Why it is that one person tends to always gravitate to people with specific character traits when it comes to relationships?  Why is one person a great success and another one an abject failure? Why do most people who win the lottery not only lose all the money within a short time but also become poorer than they were before winning? Why do bad things happen to good people? Does becoming rich and successful depend on someone’s moral values, intelligence, or level of education?

If you’ve ever pondered upon any of the questions above read on, because you’re on track to discovering one of the greatest secrets in life about how a powerful and silent genie within us runs our lives. Have you ever wished to have a magical, wish-granting genie after watching a film like Aladdin, who has the power to grant your heart’s desires, or is it just me? What if I told you that every human being has a powerful silent genie within with an enormous amount of untapped power that can literally move mountains to give you what you want as long as you speak to it in the language that it understands?

This genie within is always watching, always listening, it works every second of your life without sleeping and it has “the capacity of clairvoyance and Clairaudience: it can see and hear events that are taking place elsewhere. It can leave your body, travel to distant lands, and bring back information that is often of the most exact and truthful character. Through it, you can read the thoughts of others, read the contents of sealed envelopes, or intuit the information on a computer disk without using a disk drive.’’ – From the power of your Subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy -This silent giant is your own subconscious mind.

With the understanding of the inner workings of the subconscious mind, you can learn how to reprogram it and take control of the most sophisticated machine known to humanity and develop what most people will see as superhuman abilities.

But first, what is the subconscious mind?

We have separate faculties in our mind that govern our lives; the conscious and the subconscious mind. These are two faculties in one mind that operate and learn in completely different ways yet they work together. The conscious mind can learn by reading a book, watching a movie or a presentation, being taught by someone, or it can just figure things out. This mind is only concerned with doing daily activities and has no stored information. It is the thinking mind and it is where our awareness is. The conscious mind is only responsible for less than 10% of our life. It is the logic and reasoning powerhouse and can be used to make simple daily decisions like, choosing to call someone or what type of outfit to wear.

 The subconscious mind on the other hand is a series of programs, memories and experiences, that have been stored throughout our entire life. The way we see ourselves and others, the nature of beliefs that we hold, and the fabric of who we are as a person are a printout of the contents of our subconscious mind. It is connected to the divine intelligence that is the source of all creation. The subconscious mind is the engine that powers our lives.

Scientists have revealed that we operate 95% of our lives from the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind controls all the major physiological functions of our body such as breathing, our nervous system, circadian rhythm, and many others that keep us alive that is why we don’t have to consciously remember to breathe or make our heartbeat. The subconscious mind does not think logically its works like a tape recorder to store every experience and memory that we hold as a basis for determining our behaviors. It is also the seat of all our emotions.

“Your subconscious mind never sleeps, never rests. It is always on the job. You can discover the miracle-working power of your subconscious by plainly stating to your subconscious prior to sleep that you want a specific thing accomplished. You will be amazed and delighted to discover that forces within you will be released that lead to the result you wished for. Here is a source of power and wisdom that puts you directly in touch with omnipotence. This is the power that moves the world, guides the planets in their course, and causes the sun to shine.

Your subconscious mind can give you the independence of time and space. It can make you free of all pain and suffering. It can give you the answer to all your problems, whatever they may be. There is a power and intelligence within you that far transcends your intellect, causing you to marvel at the wonder of it all. All these experiences cause you to rejoice and believe in the miracle-working power of your own subconscious mind’’. – From the power of your subconscious mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy.

How the subconscious mind works

To understand how the subconscious mind works, it is important to know how it learns first. The subconscious mind is a habit mind. It learns through repetition and operates entirely through habituation. Think back to a time when you first learned to perform a task such as cooking, driving, riding a bike, or even learning the alphabet. The first few times were hard and even scary. This is because, during this time, the conscious mind was the one in control.

Whenever you learn something new, the conscious mind is the one that handles the task but through repetition, it passes it over to the subconscious mind which becomes a memory and you no longer have to think about it. This is the process of forming a habit. That is why after you’ve learned a new skill, you don’t have to remember how to do it again. It becomes automatic. You don’t have to relearn how to walk, how to drive, how to operate a smart device, or how to cook a certain dish. All these tasks are stored in your subconscious mind as programs. This is why you can multi-task easily, for example, you can be driving while having a conversation.

We acquired all our subconscious programs during our childhood

Photo by Greta Hoffman from Pexels

 The subconscious mind learns differently depending on age and here is why; all the subconscious programs that we have were acquired during childhood. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, a world-recognized scientist in bridging science and spirituality, the programming of our subconscious mind began in the last trimester of pregnancy and was intense from 0-7 years.

During this time, the brain is in a lower vibrational hypnotic state known as theta. In this state, there is no past or future only the present moment. That is why children do not understand the concept of time, they are carefree, happy, and live for each moment. This is a super learning state and is when children receive ‘downloads’ directly into their subconscious minds.

Once the subconscious mind has received ‘downloads’ and as adulthood kicks in, brain waves move to an active state known as beta. In this state, the ‘downloads’ (memories) we acquired as children are played in every waking moment in our conscious mind.

These memories and the emotions associated with them are the foundation from which our identity is formed and is where our attitude and behavior spring from. In adulthood, although there are many ways the subconscious can still be reprogrammed, it mainly learns and can be rewired through repetition.

We acquire rich or poverty consciousness from our upbringing’’

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Every child is like a blank canvas; we are all born innocent and with a clean slate but as we grow older, we start to learn to become who we are through those around us. Just as you have to learn a new skill like riding a bike through repetition, every flaw or strength within your personality is actually a learned behavior and you witnessed it or was said to you repeatedly until it was absorbed into your subconscious mind. 

Here’s how: as a child, whenever you had an impactful conscious experience repeatedly, your mind settled on a conclusion about yourself and life based on that experience and absorbed it down to the subconscious mind to be stored as a program which in turn becomes your identity.

Each time you had an experience regarding any subject in life, it got stored as a subconscious memory, and the greater the emotion in each of these experiences, good or bad, the more they made powerful impressions in the subconscious mind which still influence your behavior today. This is the process of acquiring beliefs.

For instance, if someone grew up in a household where money was scarce, chances are, they always witnessed their parents fight over money and whenever they asked for something, they would be told ‘we can’t afford that’ or ‘money doesn’t grow on trees’. As a result, the conscious mind settled on a conclusion that money is scarce or money is hard to make which got stored as a program in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind will always bring situations and circumstances that will always validate this conclusion.

As a result, they acquired a negative program/belief about money causing them to develop behaviors, social skills, personality, character traits, values, and principles of a poor person. This person would not be able to see opportunities even when they are right in front of them.

And the reverse is also true. Those who were fortunate enough to have received empowering beliefs about money, developed behaviors, social skills, personality, character traits, values, and principles of a financially successful person. Such people seem to have ‘lucky opportunities’ that make them a decent income. Their behaviors ensure that their subconscious beliefs are fulfilled because behaviors are built to defend subconscious beliefs.

When such people are asked what the secret to their success is, they say things such as ‘they work harder than the competition’ or something along those lines. But how many people work really hard and still struggle to put a decent meal on the table?

Most people are conditioned to believe that hard work is the only determining factor to success and disregard the fact that 90% or more of the time, success is tied to our subconscious programming. One of the major premises of Robert Kiyosaki’s book ‘rich dad poor Dad’ is how our childhood programming determines our level of financial success or failure. In this book, he uses the analogy of rich dad versus poor dad to demonstrate how we acquire a rich or poverty mindset from our upbringing.

The book only focuses on the financial aspect of it but, in truth, the success or failure in every aspect of our lives depends heavily on our subconscious programs. All our subconscious programming acquired during childhood still holds true today and is what forms the basis that influences our every decision.

Cheat Code Tip: The power of the will overrides any negative childhood programming if applied consistently, and is behind many of ‘rags to riches stories’

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Every human being is born with unlimited and equal potential and life is a catalog full of all possibilities and experiences that need to be tapped through the power of the subconscious mind. Many people, and until recently myself included, fail to tap into this power because they do not know that there is a powerful sleeping genie within or how it works. Everything that you desire to experience is right in front of you but you’re not able to perceive it because your brain doesn’t have the program to perceive its existence.

It is like being in a house with the coolest electronic and gaming devices and although this house has electricity, the contractor sealed the walls off and forgot to leave out space for installing the plugs and there’s no way to access electricity to power these devices. You have an unimaginable amount of ‘electricity’ (your subconscious mind) within you, all you need to do is build the plug (reprogram your beliefs) so you can tap into this electricity to power your devices (wishes and desires) Primary reality is within, you cannot hold it in your hands if you don’t have a program for it in your subconscious mind.

‘Default factory settings’ and your ‘life settings’.

The memories in our subconscious mind are a catalog of experiences that told us at the time ‘this is the way to deal with this’ in every area of our lives. Our behavior as adults today is still dictated by the memories and experiences during our childhood which our subconscious mind accepted as true. To serve as an analogy to the process of acquiring childhood programming, think back to the time when you bought a new smartphone. Regardless of the manufacturer, every smartphone comes with default factory settings that cannot be altered. However, you can still download and delete any application to your liking depending on your needs.

Believe it or not, nature works the same way. When we are born, we have ‘default settings’ from the creator. Our default settings include physiological functions such as breathing, circadian rhythm and so much more. In fact, all the 50 trillion cells in our bodies, all the organs, and the endless functions and processes that take place within our bodies are working behind the curtain every second of our lives, day and night, to keep us alive. These functions are regulated by the subconscious mind. They are our ‘default factory settings’ and cannot be altered.

 On the other hand, just as you cannot buy a new smartphone and expect to use an application like WhatsApp without downloading it first, we are also designed to first receive programming the first 7 years of life to serve as a basis on how we perceive and experience the world.

You see, everything in the universe exists primarily as energy and this energy is neither good nor bad. Our judgment and perceptions are what give rise to the world around us. Just as water takes the shape of the container it is put in, everything in the universe is energy and this energy takes the shape of whatever ‘container’ it’s put in, that is, our beliefs. We have to give meaning to this energy for it to take form just as water needs a container for it to take form.

The subconscious mind does not discriminate, it will take the form of whatever container it is given. We create our reality through our subconscious programming (beliefs). In fact, every human being lives within their own ‘bubble’ of reality formed by their own subconscious beliefs.

This ‘bubble’ of reality is referred to as an electromagnetic field by scientists or your ‘aura’ in the spiritual world and it has a unique vibration that attracts events, situations, circumstances, and people that are an exact vibrational match to it through the law of attraction. Belief precedes all physical experiences, you do not believe what you see but you see what you believe.

‘Your internal thermostat’

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Once something is identified as a program in the subconscious mind, it runs automatically without any conscious awareness. The subconscious mind has a self-regulatory mechanism that defends these programs just as how a thermostat works to maintain a room at a certain temperature. These programs become your ‘life settings’ and you will always unconsciously default back to them throughout your entire life unless you change them.

These life settings have a threshold and you cannot go below or beyond this threshold just as a thermostat that is set to 35 degrees, let’s say someone opens the window and the temperature drops, the thermostat’s job is to sense the difference in temperature and in turn heat kicks in to maintain the room at the set temperature.

The programs in your subconscious are your inner thermostat. When your external life conditions do not match your internal programs, the internal thermostat of your subconscious mind kicks in to ensure a balance is restored in accordance with your internal programs. The repeating patterns in your life are caused by the internal thermostat of your subconscious mind trying to ‘maintain balance’.

Photo by Drone Trotter from Pexels

To demonstrate how our subconscious mind runs our lives, think of a ship at sea pre-programmed with coordinates in its navigation system to a certain destination. Although this ship has a captain who can steer it into the desired location, the ship has a law that cannot allow it to leave its initial dock without having coordinates entered in its navigation system (childhood programming). This is because this ship is designed to be self-sailing. It is able to self-navigate perfectly so that it doesn’t float about aimlessly at sea when the captain is distracted.

The captain is your conscious mind (wishes, dreams, and desires) and the ship is your subconscious mind (subconscious beliefs). When your conscious mind is in thought, your subconscious mind by default becomes autopilot. How much of the day are you thinking? When you’re walking down the street, working, cooking, or going about your daily activities, are you paying attention to the action you’re engaged in, or are you hypnotized by the incessant chatter and memories playing in your head?

Your life is controlled by the autopilot programming of subconscious mind’’

The average person 95% of the day has a thought going on in their mind. If you’re not paying attention to the present moment, you’re on autopilot, which means that 95% of your behavior during the day is the autopilot programming of your subconscious mind. So if the captain, (your conscious mind) intends to sail to the Bahamas but is always distracted then the self-sailing ship (the subconscious mind) has no choice but to use the coordinates it is programmed with even if they lead to an unknown deserted island.

If you don’t think about how you’re doing things, the subconscious mind will keep on running the programs to the best of its learned ability. It is one thing to have goals and aspirations in life but if they are not conveyed to the subconscious mind in the language that it understands they remain just that, dreams. If the subconscious mind accepts an idea or a command, it will move mountains to make that thing happen and it never fails.

Your life is not controlled by your conscious mind which is wishes and desires; it is controlled by the programs in your subconscious mind. “If you want to know what your subconscious programs are, look at your life. The things that you want and that work for you, come to you because you have a program that encourages them to be there. But anything you struggle with and put a lot of effort into, anything that you sweat to make happen, you’re doing that because you’re trying to overcome a program of limitation that is preventing you from going there. If you rewrite your subconscious programs to match your desires and wishes, then it wouldn’t make a difference if you’re thinking or not, your behavior in both situations will always lead you to full happiness”. – Dr. Bruce Lipton.

Your life is an expression of your subconscious programs. Your health, wealth, and success or failure in any undertaking are not determined by anything outside of you but by the contents in your subconscious mind. All the problems that most people face today are a result of negative subconscious programs of limiting beliefs that take away their powers.

Luckily, we are not prisoners of these beliefs because they are not cast in stone. Just as you can install and uninstall an application on your smartphone, you can reprogram the subconscious mind with positive and empowering beliefs. This is the key to permanent change.

Cheat code nugget;

You cannot have anything in your life if you do not have underlying supporting beliefs to match whatever it is that you want. If you do get it, an imbalance between your internal programs and outside life circumstances will cause the internal thermostat of your subconscious mind to readjust itself to default back to your subconscious programs. That is why people who win the lottery lose everything, or when some people finally find someone they think they want to be with they can’t keep the relationship, or people who join certain weight loss programs gain all the weight back after the program ends and so forth.

If you want to know where your subconscious thermostat is set, examine aspects of your life such as relationships, financial income, or health that have repeating patterns or a certain limit that you always fight to surpass. In whatever aspect of your life, you’ll notice that you do everything in your power to stay afloat but there always seems to be something that comes up and pulls you back under, and in most cases, these circumstances seem to be out of your control. You rebuild a certain aspect of your life and things are good for a short while, and then all of a sudden everything crumbles back down again. Speaking from personal experience, it feels like something is out to get you or a mighty force is against you.

This is actually your subconscious mind keeping you within the range of your internal thermostat. Your subconscious mind doesn’t know the difference between good and bad like the conscious mind does, its job is to protect you by ensuring the programs it holds are upheld just as the thermostat works to maintain the room at a certain temperature. This can work for you if you have empowering programs but can become a living nightmare if the reverse is true.