What if I told you that there’s a powerful invisible creative force that follows our CONSISTENT thoughts and feelings and photocopies them exactly as events and situations in our lives? That this force which is unbiased and unfailing does not discriminate between likes and dislikes, desires or fears, and is what determines the objects, events, and people that come into our lives. Just like a photocopy machine, it seeks to duplicate what we think and feel and it is always working on everyone regardless of whether they understand or know it. This force reproduces whatever feelings we give it just as how the soil grows whatever seeds it is given; “you reap what you sow.’’ This force which I like to call the cosmic photocopy machine is the law of attraction! The law of attraction states that like energy attracts like energy.

Have ever heard of the saying “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer’’ and you thought to yourself how unfair and unjust this sounds? Well, this statement is based on the main principle of the law of attraction, and believe it or not, the law of attraction does not play favorites. Before I get into the nitty-gritty details about Law of attraction consider this for a moment; primary reality is within, your life situations and circumstances good or bad are a reflection of the world within, that is, your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs. To change anything in your life, you must first change it within and the change will reflect on the outside.

 The law of attraction is the law of mind and as long as you’re using your mind, this law is always working through you, so the question is not whether it works or not, but rather is it working for you or against you? In this article, you will learn the basic principles of the law of attraction and how they can be applied to make the law of attraction successfully work for you.

  1. The Law of attraction only operates on frequencies

 The law of attraction is a secondary law to the law of vibration which states that all matter in the universe is made up of energy and this energy vibrates at different levels of frequency. Every color, word, food, plant, animal, tree, every smell, and every human being has a unique vibrational frequency. Your vibrational frequency is determined by your beliefs; which are the result of your predominant thoughts and feelings. We all emit a vibration of energy using our thoughts and through a continuous stream of thought patterns, we develop a frequency. Everything in the universe is connected and has a magnetic frequency. We swim in an ocean of invisible vibrating energy that connects everything and everyone and within that ocean of energy, things that are alike are magnetized to one another.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

If you predominantly feel angry you run into situations and people that make you angrier to match that frequency. When you complain even if it is about small things such as traffic you’re on the complaining frequency and the signal you’re sending out to the law of attraction is ‘yes I want more of these‘. The reverse is also true. When you’re feeling happy, you attract happy people and more circumstances that make you happier. If you want to receive good things in your life including your desires, lifting your frequency by feeling positive emotions such as happiness, gratitude, joy, love, contentment, peace or passion is key. When done consistently, you tune in to a reality that corresponds to these emotions. Raising your vibration is equivalent to tuning to a certain radio frequency, it guarantees that you’ll only attract circumstances and people that match that frequency. This is the law of attraction in action.

Every moment of your life, there’s a communication feedback loop between you and the Divine intelligence through frequencies and the law of attraction. This applies to everyone. How react to your outer world is what draws or repels things to you because everything you see in your outer world is on YOUR frequency and life is presenting those things to you for you to choose.

“if you want to become a parent and you’ve been trying for a long time, then give love and feel good every single time you see a parent with a child! If you feel depressed when you see children because you don’t have a child, then you’re repelling and pushing children away from you. Life is presenting children to you for you to choose.’’ From the magic by Rhonda Byrne.

You can choose to deliberately lift your frequency by raising your vibration PERMANENTLY. This can be achieved by practicing gratitude every single day. Taking time to count your blessings is one of the fastest ways to raise your frequency and also rewire your beliefs.

2. The law of attraction is the law of belief

There is a golden thread that runs through every major religion in the world, and it is faith and belief. In the Bible, faith and belief are used interchangeably to mean the same thing especially when it comes to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The following bible verses are examples of the NUMEROUS times Jesus talked about belief and it is the WAY he talks about belief that is of great interest to this article.

Mathew 8:13

Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.’’ And his servant was healed at that moment.

Mathew 9:29

Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith will be done to you’’

What do these two verses have in common with every other miracle that Jesus performed? Jesus told people that it is done unto them as THEY BELIEVE! The emphasis on this statement was to demonstrate the power of belief itself.

It was THEIR belief in him that healed them. The reason why Jesus didn’t say ‘you’re healed because I am the son of God’ or something along those lines is that he understood the law of the subconscious mind which is belief.

To demonstrate the power of blind belief, Dr. Joseph Murphy in his book the power of your subconscious mind tells the story of his relative whose lungs were badly damaged due to tuberculosis. This sick man had a son and in an attempt to help his father heal himself, the son told his father that he had met a monk with strange powers who had just returned from a long stay at one of the most celebrated healing shrines in Europe. There he had acquired a small fragment of the true cross, set in a ring that dated back to the middle ages. That this ring had healed countless sufferers over centuries by simply touching it. The son told his ailing dad that he had borrowed the same ring from this monk for him.

It goes on to say, ”when the son showed his father the ring, the older man practically snatched it from him. He clasped the ring to his chest, prayed silently, and went to sleep. In the morning he was healed. All the clinic’s tests proved negative. What is most significant about this one is that the son’s amazing story was totally made up. In fact, he had picked up a splinter of ordinary wood from the sidewalk, then taken it to a jeweler, and had it set in a gold ring of antique design. He then gave it to his father. The father never learned of the trick that had been played upon him. if he had, he might well have had a relapse. Instead, his tuberculosis never returned. He remained completely cured and passed away from other causes fifteen years later, at the age of eighty-nine.’

Whatever the object of your belief is, it will always be done unto you as you believe. It is this power of belief that Jesus was trying to demonstrate to people and just as it was important for Dr. Murphy’s relative to never learn of the trick that was played on him, so was the reason why Jesus said to those he healed ”see that no man know it” because he knew other people’s skepticism would have instilled thoughts of doubt and fear and would have reversed the healings.

In science, the power of belief is demonstrated through the placebo effect. Over centuries, there has been well-documented evidence of miraculous healings and improved symptoms despite patients being given non-active treatments like sugar pills which the patients believed were real drugs. This is the power of blind belief and is what Jesus said could move mountains. When you ask for something and truly believe that you’ll get it, it has no option but to show up in your life because when you believe, you expect it to happen no matter what, and expectation has a powerful attraction force.

The power of belief does not come from how you believe God works or whether you believe there’s a higher power or not, or which religion you subscribe to. The power of belief comes from those deep inner convictions that you’ve accepted as truths about your life and the world around you which in turn have been imprinted into the subconscious mind. It comes from those repetitive thoughts and feelings that you have daily that have been hard-wired into beliefs.  So it doesn’t matter whether someone lives in the Amazon jungle and has never been touched by any organized religion or if they are an atheist, as long as we are living, breathing human beings, the law of attraction is always reproducing our deeply held convictions or what we believe to be true. The law of attraction’s ‘default mode of operation’ is via our beliefs.

Everyone has certain beliefs about their life and the world at large. These beliefs are acquired during childhood mainly from parents, guardians, religion, school, or television and are what form the basis for how we experience reality. Do you believe money is hard to come by, or you get sick easily, or you are not good in sports, you’re a bad dancer or there’s a certain amount of money you can’t have? Whatever you believe to be true becomes true. Believe it or not, every human being is born with the same capabilities as the greatest men and women who have ever lived, what sets them apart from the rest of us are the subconscious programming or beliefs they acquired as children about life and themselves. Whatever you believe with conviction negative or positive, becomes your cage and your reality.

Reality is subjective

The truth is everyone wants to live an abundant life. A bigger house, dream vacations, more money, to be happy, or simply to achieve inner peace but if it was as easy as wanting equals getting then everyone in the world would be overflowing with abundance. Bottom line is, the law of attraction does not work FOR YOU if you don’t have an underlying supporting belief, it works against you. It gives you more of what you believe indiscriminately. This is why rewiring your negative beliefs is a major cheat code to life because when you reprogram your beliefs, you don’t have to try and attract things that you want. They will be magnetized to you before you even ask. Luckily, all beliefs are learned and can be unlearned.

Changing negative beliefs is easy, anyone can do it, as long as they are committed and consistent. Having constructive beliefs is living in harmony with a major universal law of nature, the law of belief. Remember, belief is something you accept to be true even if it is not factually true. For instance, when someone says “I am not a good cook, that is a negative affirmation that they have accepted as true through saying it to themselves over a long time. This can be reversed and affirmed repeatedly until it becomes a positive belief. Whatever you want to have in your life, write it down on a piece of paper as an affirmation in the PRESENT TENSE. For example, every day I get healthier, wealthier, and happier. Read it to yourself repeatedly for at least 30 days or until the statement begins to feel true. When an affirmation is repeated enough times, it begins to feel true, when it feels true, it becomes a belief! If done consistently, affirmations are life-changing.

3. The law of attraction is a mirror

Photo by Lucas Pezeta from Pexels

The outside world is a mirror or a reflection of the world within. Do you think it’s not a coincidence when you sit next to two people having a conversation an earshot away about something that is going on in your life? Or when you find just the thing you were looking for while scrolling through any of your social media timelines Or when you think about someone and they text or call you shortly afterward? Or when someone points out something about your body that you are insecure about? Nothing is random, all of these instances are the law of attraction in action, and are an echo of what is going on within. If you start paying attention you’ll notice a pattern.

The law of attraction is also what draws like-minded people together to form friendships or people to certain clubs or organizations. Every single person in your life that you engage with be it at work, your neighbor, a relationship, or friends is a mirror to something that you’re vibrating out either consciously or unconsciously. We only associate with people who match our vibration hence the saying “Birds of the same feather flock together’’.

You attract what you are, not what you want. The fastest way to bring anything to you is to act as if or as it is popularly known, fake it till you make it. This is one of the most powerful ways to bring things that you want fast owing to the fact that the law of attraction and your subconscious mind do not know the difference between something imagined and something that is real. Act and FEEL as the version of you who already has in possession of whatever it is that you want and the law of attraction will photocopy those feelings and bring them back in your life. Think, act and feel like the person you want to become.

4. The law of attraction loves attention! “Energy flows where attention goes’’

Whatever you focus on and give your attention to, expands and multiplies. Your attention and focus are a source of life to any situation just as water is to seed in the ground. For instance, if you’re sick, and you obsess about the illness by Googling its symptoms, or by describing how you feel to your family and friends or consistently thinking about the illness, you’re feeding that illness powerful energy through your focus which may bring even more complications or even prolong your recovery. Instead have a mental picture of yourself in perfect health. Keep your focus on that and let your doctor deal with the details of your illness. When you do this, you are depriving that illness fuel and it will very quickly disappear.

 There are always two sides to every situation in your life. This is called the law of polarity. You are either experiencing the negative or the positive aspect of that situation, that is, what you want versus what you don’t want. If there’s something you don’t like in your life, drain all the energy from that situation by refusing to give it your attention! Don’t label or judge it as good or bad. Simply focus on the desired outcome of that situation. Your mind is a powerful tool, ask yourself what would it look like if I had ABC? Do this every time you ‘catch yourself’ thinking or worrying about that difficulty. Remember your worry is attention which is very nourishing to any situation and the law of attraction loves attention! It doesn’t discriminate negative or positive attention. It will always give you more of what you’re focussing on. Simply refuse to identify with your problems and they’ll disappear from your life.

5. The law of attraction operates only in the NOW

As far as the law of attraction is concerned, time doesn’t exist. There’s no past or future for the law of attraction only the now. Whether you’re having a negative or positive memory, or you’re anticipating some future event, the law of attraction is responding to those thoughts and feelings and bringing them as circumstances and situations in your life. The law of attraction cannot distinguish between something that is imagined or real-life and past, present, or the future.

How your life is now, is a result of the thoughts and feelings that you’ve had in the past and your current thoughts and feelings are attracting your tomorrow because you’re imagining them in the now. Realize that if you react negatively to any undesired situation now you are asking more of it in the future. Whatever you want, BE it now for it to come to you in the future. If you want happiness, find a way to be happy NOW and the law of attraction will photocopy your state of happiness and bring you more things that will make you happier. Always focus on the outcome you want and hold that feeling as if it is happening now.

6. The law of attraction is the law of one – you!

Photo by Jenna Hamra from Pexels

“There’s a simple formula that you can use for the law of attraction that will stand you in good stead with every person, situation, and circumstance. As far as the law of attraction is concerned, there’s only one person in the world – you! There is no other person, and nothing else as far as the law of attraction is concerned. There’s only you because the law of attraction is responding to your feelings! It is only what you give that count. And it is the same for every other person. And so in truth, the law of attraction is the law of you. Whatever you feel about anyone else, you are bringing to you.

Give judgment and criticism and you bring it to yourself. Give love and appreciation to another person or anything, and you give it to yourself. There’s is no other for the law of attraction, so it makes no difference if someone else has what you want, when you feel love for it you’re including it in your life! And with anything that you don’t love, simply turn away from it without judgment, and you won’t include it in your life.’’ From the magic by Rhonda Byrne.

This also applies to free will. You cannot use the law of attraction against someone else free will unless that person wants the same thing. Thank goodness the law works this way! Unless you’re on the same frequency and asking for the same thing, someone else ill-intent or negative energy cannot reach you instead it goes back to the sender multiplied! This is very good to know.

7. There’s no such thing as ‘something for nothing’ for the law of attraction

For the law of attraction, there’s no such thing as something for nothing. Whatever you desire, you must first radiate it out for it to come to you! This means that you give the feeling of the thing you want, by feeling as if you have it now, for the law of attraction to bring that thing to you. If you want appreciation, start finding things in your life that you can appreciate or give appreciation to other people. If you want money, radiate feelings of financial abundance first or give money to someone in need. If you want happiness, find a way to be happy now first. If you want abundance in your life, find everything you can to be grateful for in your current life. If you want love, love yourself fully first. The law of attraction is a blank canvas, whatever you want to have, you must first BE and GIVE IT hence the phrase the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Photo by Erik Mclean from Pexels

The fastest way to bring something that you that want to manifest is to help someone else get it. But, don’t give or help someone with the expectation of getting something in return or to help your manifestation. Give for the sheer joy of giving, give wholeheartedly. You cannot ‘bribe’ or misuse the law of attraction or any other universal law, if you do it’ll not work.

Some people often wonder, If the law of attraction is a blank canvas, what about little innocent kids who get sick and do not know anything about the law of attraction? Children are sensitive and receptive to the thoughts of others about them especially their parents. Parents can unconsciously attract illnesses to their children by consistently holding them in thoughts of fear.

Cheat code nugget

The law of attraction is a giant photocopy machine that has no way of knowing what we want it duplicates what we think and feel consistently. But, the only time it does not work this way is when you ask a question! The most powerful way to make the law of attraction work for you every time is to ask yourself questions about your problems deeply wanting to know the answer, and the law of attraction Will unfailingly bring you the answer. Ask questions like what will it look like if I was financially free? What more can I find today to be grateful for? What will it take for me to achieve ABC? After you’ve done this, let go and completely trust that the answer MUST come to you. How fast you’ll receive your answer depends on how you let go and completely trust.