As a little girl growing up, I used to have so many questions about how the concept of prayer works especially when I was in a setting where people prayed. Questions like, does God have a ‘calling center’ with angels as ‘staff’ working on the clock to ‘process’ prayers? If God is an all-knowing intelligence who knows our needs before we even ask, why do so many people suffer from poverty, diseases, grief, and the many ills that plague the world today yet they pray?

What are the criteria for granting millions or even billions of prayers from all parts of the world not to mention the differences in religion? As I grew older these questions still lingered and don’t get me wrong, it is not that I didn’t pray, it is just that over time, most of my desperate calls for help in form of prayer went unanswered in time of need.

Seriously, think about this for a moment; “it’s not an accident that there’s a protective atmosphere surrounding us, and that beyond it there’s no air or oxygen. It’s not an accident that the trees give off oxygen so that our atmosphere is continually replenished. It’s not an accident that our solar system is perfectly placed, and that if it were anywhere in the galaxy we would most likely be devastated by cosmic radiation. There are thousands of parameters and ratios that support life on earth; all of them are on a knife-edge, and their fine-tuning is so critical that a fraction of a difference in any of these parameters and ratios would make life unavailable on earth. It would seem that they are perfectly designed, perfectly placed, perfectly balanced, for us!’’-

from the Power by Rhonda Byrne

Does it make sense that the Divine creator placed everything so meticulously and in perfect order only to require us to pray for the things we need in an unorganized, somewhat chaotic, and unreliable fashion we have been taught to believe? Does God micro-manage 7.5 billion people? Certainly not! Truth is, everything in the universe operates on laws with mathematical precision.

Just like there’re laws of physics that enable planes to fly in the sky there are also laws that also govern our reality. These laws are based on metaphysical and quantum physics principles of energy. Remember everything in the universe exists primarily as energy and energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes form.

Every human being emits energy in every waking or sleeping moment through thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. This fact is universal to every human being that walks the face of the earth, no matter where they live. We are the sum total of these four forms of energy and this energy is what creates our reality. Remember, everything is created twice, first in the mind and then in reality.

The reality that we experience may seem random and haphazard, but this is far from the truth, we are governed by perfect laws. This applies to everyone whether they are aware of these laws or not, just like how the law of gravity works on everyone whether they understand, know it or not. If you go up you must come down!

These laws have been in existence since the beginning of time and they were only understood by mystics and sages across different parts of the world including in ancient African spirituality that predates religion but has now been proven by quantum physics. These laws are all related to and intertwined with each other to form an intricate web of guidelines that govern how we experience the world we live in. Although there are more than 50 universal laws, the following are the main 14 laws, the first 12 are excerpted from Milanovich and Mcunes’ book The Light shall set you free.

  1. The law of divine oneness

 The law of divine oneness states that everything is connected to everything else. All is energy and all energy is an extension of source energy. We are the microcosm of the macrocosm. All is consciousness, the planets, the sun, the animals, the minerals. Nothing escapes this principle for all is composed of the same substance at the subatomic level.

Everything we do say and believe affects us and the collective consciousness of all humanity as well as the evolution of the universe. This law teaches us service for the higher good. It puts unconditional love and contribution to others as the ultimate self-actualization and fulfillment that can bring true happiness. When we discover our passion and decide to contribute and help others through this passion, we find ourselves showered with blessings and support.  

2. The law of vibration

The law of vibration states that everything in the universe moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. Nothing rests everything moves. Everything in the universe is in motion whether solid, liquid, or gas. Each thing that exists can be identified with its own unique vibrational frequency or pattern. A frequency is the rate of vibration per unit of time.

The law of vibration also states that like frequencies attract like frequencies. Every thought and feeling has a unique vibrational frequency and has significant power of attraction.  Your focus on either positive or negative thoughts or feelings will attract more of the same kind to them. If you want to attract something to you, all you have to do is align yourself with the frequency of your desire by feeling as if you have it now. Every possibility already exists now and anything that you can imagine already exists here and now but on a different frequency. All you have to do to get it is tune to that frequency by feeling as if you have what you want.

3. The law of action

The law of action states that we must engage in actions that support our thoughts, dreams, emotions, and words. Action is energy in motion. This means that we must exercise action when we receive guidance from within ourselves.

However, there is a difference between inspired action from within and action as a result of mental activity. Inspired action feels enthusiastic, energetic, confident, and sure. Action from mental activity on the other hand feels confusing, burdensome, or the urge to procrastinate. The action on the physical plane forms a chord that connects all aspects of the energies working towards the manifestation.

4. The law of correspondence

Photo by Julia Kuzenkov from Pexels

The law of correspondence states that your inner reality creates your outer reality. What happens within will reflect on the outside. The mind gives rise to matter. Your outer reality corresponds to your inner thoughts, feelings, words, and actions.

As above, so below.

As within, so without

What you think, feel and say to yourself and believe on the inside, bring the circumstances, people, and life situations into your external reality every day. Most people have been conditioned to believe that everything is outside of them and they have no control over external circumstances.

Believing that there is no connection between your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions and your outer reality is like believing that shadows cast themselves. We know for a fact that for there to be a shadow, there has to be an object that blocks the light upon which the shadow is cast. Your career, relationships, finances, and health are all reflections of your inner beliefs and what you consider yourself to be worthy of. We tend to perceive the world in ways that are consistent with our expectations, beliefs, and past experiences.

Nothing on the outside is to blame for your life situation. The power to change at any given time is inside. It does not depend on anything outside of us. If you want to succeed in your life, reprogram your beliefs for success by having positive thoughts, feelings, and actions and the change will reflect on the outside.

5. The law of cause and effect.

  The law of cause and effect is also known as the law of karma states that every cause creates an effect and every effect has a cause and an origin. All is created through perfect cycles of energy. There’s no such thing as chance or coincidence. All is law and order. Your life is the effect and your thoughts and feelings are the cause. With every thought, feeling, and action you shape your reality accordingly.

The law of cause and effect relates to our freedom of choice. While we have free will to choose our actions in life, we are held responsible by the law of cause and effect. We have the ability to choose our outcomes by mastering the actions and behaviors needed to achieve positive results.

‘Where there’s smoke there’s fire’

If there’s an undesirable situation in your life, you caused it to happen through your past negative actions, negative thoughts, and negative beliefs. Nothing happens by chance or outside the law of cause and effect. We are responsible for creating our own reality for every action produces a reaction.

The phrase ‘where there is smoke there is fire’ serves as a perfect symbolism for this law; the smoke is your outer reality, that is, your life circumstances and the fire is the projection of your consciousness through your beliefs. What you think, feel, and believe (cause) is what you’ll get back (effect). Whatever you want in your life send it out now as the feeling of the wish fulfilled and you’ll attract it into your life. Successful thoughts, feelings, and actions will reap success. The law of cause and effect is the origin of the phrase ‘We reap what we have sown’

6. The law of compensation

Photo by SHVETS production from Pexels

The law of compensation states that the good we do eventually comes back to us tenfold matching the same energy and vice versa. The law of compensation is the reaction of the law of cause and effect as applied to the blessings that are bestowed on us or the consequences of our negative actions. What we send out through our vibrational frequency is what we get back.

The visible effects of our deeds are given to us in many different forms of abundance such as financial success, friendships, fulfillment, creativity, love, and so many others. All things come to you mirroring the energy you send out. If you want to increase your compensation (blessings), then you must give more with the right thoughts, emotions, actions, and words.

Many of us do not receive these blessings as a result of the conscious and subconscious beliefs that direct the events of our lives. Breaking poverty consciousness is key to mastering this law if we wish to receive abundance. Negative conditioning such as ‘money is the root of all evil’, or ‘to be spiritual means that we must renounce money and things in life that give us pleasure and comfort’, should be reprogrammed to support the perception that the world is a place of abundance and there’s plenty for everyone. When this happens, our due returns will not be sabotaged

7. The law of attraction

Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

The law of attraction demonstrates how we attract the objects, events, and people that come into our lives through our thoughts and feelings. This law states that all matter including thoughts and feelings is vibrating energy, and this energy attracts similar energy. The law of attraction extends the law of vibration because we attract the things that we are at the same level of vibration with.

This law mirrors to us what is hidden within. Our thoughts, feelings, and actions produce energy and this energy attracts like energy. Like frequencies attracts like frequencies – Negative energy attracts negative energy and positive energy attracts positive energy. For example, being aware of the lack of something will bring more lack of that thing.

Inner thoughts and emotions determine the level at which one vibrates. Your vibrational rate is a frequency that creates a signal which is emitted outward. Once emitted, the signal begins to draw to it other things that reside in that frequency. What is hidden within will dictate what appears on the outside. Learning to reside on a higher frequency by controlling your thoughts and feelings is the key to mastering the law of attraction. By doing this you can control the situations, events, and circumstances that come into your life

8. The law perpetual transmutation of energy

This law states that we all have within ourselves the ability to change the conditions in our lives at any given moment. This law states that each person can become an alchemist of the heart by using their will to transform darkness into light since higher vibrations consume and transform lower ones.

The law teaches us that through the use of our thoughts, feelings words, and actions, we transmit and transmute energy to the universe and to others whether positive or negative. However, we can control the transmission of energy through intention and will.

This law can be used by forgiving and loving others just as they are and applying higher frequencies to situations in life that are considered hard. This law helps us understand how we are responsible for the conditions in our lives and that we have free will to change the nature of our lives and environment.

9. The law of relativity

God allows us to experience the low points in life in order to teach us lessons we cannot learn in any other way. Each of us is provided with unique problems as tests of our spiritual growth. The law states that each person will receive a series of challenges and tests for the purpose of strengthening the light within.

The meaning we choose to give these tests by how we react to them is what advances or retards our progress. The law teaches us to use our challenges as stepping stones and allow our struggles to strengthen us because we only grow during hard times. Every one of us has a fair share of problems in life and the journey in life is about mastering the lessons each one of us has come to learn.

10. The law of polarity

Image by Comfreak from Pixabay

 The law of polarity states that everything is dual. There are two poles or opposites to everything found on the physical, mental, and spiritual planes. Polarity is the difference in dimension or direction and it represents the two extremes of one thing. In the physical world, there’s no rain without sunshine, in the mental world, there is no structure without freedom and in the spiritual world, there is no good without bad.

In each instance, both of the poles have meaning. Everything has opposites and opposites are the same they only differ in degrees. For example, what is considered truth is a half-truth to another, love and hate are two extremes of the same emotion residing on the same continuum. There cannot be hot without cold, up without down, or extreme negative without positive. To change any negative situation in life, we need to focus on its opposite.

11. The law of rhythm

While everything vibrates, moves, and has two opposites, everything also vibrates at or responds to certain rhythms. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, patterns, and stages of development. The universe moves in a cyclical fashion with energy flowing one way and then the other. This movement is defined as the rhythm of the universe and is found in all things including in the physical, mental, and spiritual areas of human life.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Life moves in cycles and is constantly renewing itself from the highs and then from the lows, next from within and then from without. These rhythms connect the two extremes revealed in the law of polarity. These rhythmic motions are what constitute the heartbeat, the pulse of life itself. Like the pendulum swinging first to the right then to the left, the tides flow in and the tides flow out, the sun rises and the sun sets so do our life circumstances and situations.

Just as nature accepts these cyclical changes, we should accept and embrace all seasons of our lives and realize that there’s a time for growth and a time for transformation. When we do this, we trust the greater purpose of life and it is only through this shift in perspective that enables us to move to a different consciousness and solutions will begin to appear.

12. The law of Gender

The law of gender states that everything has its feminine, yin, and masculine yang, energy and the union of these two principles gives birth to everything in creation. The law of gender does not refer to the physical differences between men and women but rather is used in a much larger context to refer to creation or production.

Physical differences between men and women are only a small manifestation of this law. These two principles reside in all things and it is through these principles that humanity is able to create. The law of gender is the creative force that runs from the inner to the outer world. To create in the physical world, people should balance feminine and masculine energy within themselves.

13. The law of belief

Whatever we believe fully with thought, feeling and conviction eventually become our reality. We are always creating laws for ourselves based on what we believe to be true even if that thing is not factually true, our belief will make it so. The law of belief is the law of life because reality shapes itself to the nature of our beliefs! You do not believe what you see but you see what you believe.

Through the Reticular Activating System, the brain filters out or rejects information that is not consistent with what you believe. The good thing is we can reprogram our beliefs by consistently repeating positive and empowering affirmations until they sink into our consciousness

14. The law of Gestation

Photo by João Paulo de Souza Oliveira from Pexels

The law of Gestation states that everything has its gestational period or a time frame for energy to manifest. Every thought, word, and action is a seed once nourished with enough focus and energy, that seed germinates into life situations and circumstances. Your goals or intense desires will manifest in divine timing not a moment sooner.

Cheat Code nugget;

The Divine intelligence, God or whatever name you prefer, is the source/supplier of all things and the laws of nature are the distribution managers, feelings are your request form or order and belief is the currency.  The distribution managers are impartial and unemotional. They have no way of knowing what you want because they work with whatever energy you’re emitting and they do not discriminate between good and bad feelings. These laws aka distribution managers are impersonal. They always act on the orders (feelings; good or bad) without question. If they receive an order for size 7, even if that’s not your size, they deliver no questions asked. If you pray feeling bad for a situation asking God to take it away realize that you’re working against one of the most powerful laws of nature, the law of vibration, and you’ll only get more of the problem because you’re asking more of it through your feelings.