“Do you believe that life just happens randomly, sometimes through chance or coincidences? In the world we live in today, many people have been conditioned to believe only in the things they can logically understand and can only perceive through their five senses but this only accounts for a tiny percentage of reality. Although life seems to unfold randomly on the physical plane, beyond the veil of physical reality, the world conforms to and is governed by unbiased universal laws, sacred geometry, and precise mathematical principles. These principles govern everything from gravity, the movements of animals, the growth of plants, and the thoughts, feelings, and habits of humanity.

The universe is perfectly balanced, just, and fair. When we work within these principles we can be assured of positive outcomes but when these principles are transgressed, we can be assured of suffering. If life is a perfectly crafted game that conforms to certain laws and guidelines, it means that just as in any game, if you want to win, you have to play by the rules. In this game called life, the wisest often say that the key to happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them. In this article, I have compiled the 7 best  spiritual ‘cheat codes or life hacks aimed at helping people evolve their consciousness and live fulfilling lives by easily navigating through challenging situations in life.…’’ – Excerpted from ‘About’ page.

7 cheat codes to life hacks to help win at the game of life. Part One.

  1. You’re always manifesting something.

You’re a powerful co-creator, your consistent thoughts have creative abilities. You’re always manifesting something into your life every second of your existence, good or bad. The outside world is a mirror or a reflection of the world within. As within so without, as above so below. Your life is a by-product of your subconscious beliefs. Every circumstance or event that happens in your life, is a vibrational match to something you’re radiating consciously or unconsciously.

The reason why some people don’t get what they want in life is because they no knowledge of two minds, the conscious and the subconscious mind. This means that they only use the conscious mind which is only responsible for 5% of their lives while the subconscious mind which is responsible for 95% of their lives runs subconscious programs automatically under the surface.  Only using the conscious mind to get the things you want in life is like having a mango seed in your hand and expecting to harvest a juicy mango without planting the mango tree first.

The universal laws of nature through our subconscious mind govern how things come to us, working within these laws, can be likened to  taking advantage of river currents and letting the flow help reach your destination conversely, the reverse is like swimming against the currents. You might get to the destination but you’ll work twice as hard. Think of beliefs as your ‘life software’ and your reality as the screen which displays the end product of the software.

If you’re always running the same software that is, thoughts, you’ll keep getting the same results. Whatever is going on in your life right now is your manifested reality through the subconscious programs that run below your conscious awareness. If you want to change something, you have to go back to the programs or the ‘source code’ and rewrite the script to your liking. In this sense, if there is something that is lacking or you’re struggling with, it means you have limiting subconscious beliefs that do not allow you experience that reality which need to be reprogrammed. This is the secret to the secret.

2. Every version of you with every permutation of your life already exists. ‘Creation is already complete’

One of the most fascinating concepts to me is the idea of parallel realities. The argument behind parallel realities is based on the number one law of thermodynamics- energy cannot be created or destroyed, it only changes from one form to another. In ancient times, words such as energy or dogmas such as thermodynamics did not exist so, in order for people to easily understand, they used simpler terms such as creation is already complete to point to this truth. Every version of you and every single permutation of your life that is aligned with that personality already exists in a parallel universe or an alternate timeline. Here’s more, you switch through different timelines multiple times throughout the day depending on your state of being.

You see, you have a dominant state of being which corresponds to your current reality but whenever you experience different emotions such as joy, excitement, anger, jealousy or hatred you temporary switch to a parallel version of yourself who predominantly feels those emotions and is living a life that corresponds to that state of being.

Imagine being in a vast dark night outside with only a flashlight. The flashlight can only shine its light on one single area but this doesn’t mean that the rest of the parts that the light doesn’t reach do not exist. They do and only when you choose to direct the light in that direction is when you’ll be able to see the place. Think of the ‘dark night’ as your consciousness in which all possibilities already exist. Now think of your awareness/attention as the ‘light’.

Image by FelixMittermeier from Pixabay

The only thing that allows you to see a different version of your life which is a possibility that already exists in the ‘dark’ is the light of your awareness. What you direct your mental focus on is the flashlight. You do not create an angry version of yourself, you only tune in to a timeline that that version of you already exists. The only reason that your outside reality doesn’t instantly change when you switch into an envious version of you is because it takes time for you to make a certain emotion your dominant state of being.

I am a huge fan of the late Dolores Cannon’s work and in one of her lectures about parallel realities she explains that whenever there is a new establishment in your town or neighborhood such as a new office building or a new restaurant you just discovered, you just switched into a parallel reality where the establishment has always existed! She goes on to explain that lets’ say you were contemplating on making a major life decision but you decided not to, there is a version of you that made that decision and is living that life! Sounds crazy right?

From the moment you are born, infinite permutations of your life are already worked out. What determines which possibility of your life you’ll experience is the mindset you adopt, the life decisions you make and the actions that spring from these decisions. Every decision you make is switching you into an alternate reality of yourself that has ALWAYS lived that life. For instance, when someone chooses to leave an abusive relationship, recover from an addiction, or a previously financially challenged person living an affluent lifestyle etc. all these instances require someone to embody a different version of themselves.

That’s why people, when referring to traumatic past experience in their life, will often say statements such as, ‘I was not myself’ or I have ‘changed’ They didn’t ‘change’ they just switched to a parallel version of themselves who thinks and acts differently. Every single possibility already exists and thanks to quantum physics experiments like the observer effect, it has already been proven that nothing that is observed is unaffected by the observer. According to the observer effect, the power of human attention is what collapses matter from a wave function to a single particle. That is, from possibility into an actuality.

All possibilities already exist in the quantum field and your state of being is what determines what possibility you experience. Since the outside world is nothing but a reflection of the world within, your emotional state of being is what tunes you into the reality you wish to experience and just as tuning to a certain radio frequency, your state of consciousness tunes you into an alternate version of you that has whatever it is that you want to achieve.

3. You formed a filter from which you experience reality in your childhood.

We are all living in our own mini universes governed by our own defined rules in form of our subconscious beliefs. Everyone lives in their own ‘bubble’ of reality formed by their electro-magnetic field which has a unique vibrational frequency that attracts and filters reality to match their beliefs. What you believe to be true becomes true for you and becomes a law in your life.

If you believe life is hard and unfair, you only gravitate toward situations that prove how hard life is. In fact, reality bends itself to the nature of your beliefs. If you believe you’ve got bad luck, you’ll only see evidence in the world around you to prove you right. That’s how powerful your beliefs are.

I know this sounds far-fetched but luckily science is beginning to catch up to this knowledge that was formerly only understood by mystics across different parts of the world. Through scientific studies like the placebo effect or the observer effect, science is now coming to the realization that the beliefs we hold have a powerful influence on how we perceive reality.

Your subconscious mind is your reality’s womb. It’s the one that creates your reality based on the programs you acquired as a child. Your childhood conditioning, including any trauma you experienced, heavily influences your perception about life and still affects every decision you make today. All these are stored as programs in your subconscious mind.

These programs control your life and act as your ‘life thermostat’. Whenever your outside life circumstances are not aligned with the inner thermostat of your subconscious programs, something out of your control normally happens that brings things back to equilibrium. For instance, people who win the lottery lose all the money within a short time, or how some people, when it comes to romantic relationships, tend to gravitate towards people with specific negative character traits and when they finally get the right person, they’ll do something to sabotage that relationship and so on.

In all these instances, the subconscious mind is simply doing what is was designed to do and the only way to get around this is to identify and reprogram your limiting beliefs with empowering ones and healing your inner child to release any trauma stored in your subconscious mind. This process can be likened to adjusting your thermostat to new settings and it will work to ensure these settings are maintained.

4. The power of your attention

Energy flows where attention goes! Energy is the only true currency and what you ‘pay’ attention to is how you spend it. In an earlier post about the law of attraction, I wrote about how the law of attraction loves attention. That ‘whatever you focus on and give your attention to, expands and multiplies. Your attention is a source of life to any situation just as water is to seed in the ground.’ If you are familiar with the law of attraction concept, you know that what you focus on, that is, pay attention to, grows and multiplies.

For instance, the more you fester about the lack of something, the more lack of that thing you’ll experience. When you ‘pay’ attention, a barter trade has been made and according to universal laws of nature, you must reap or receive what you paid for. Your attention, which is the currency, in exchange for the thing focused on, good or bad. The moment you supply energy to something through your attention, that thing continues to self-perpetuate mirroring how you reacted to it long after you stopped focusing on it. Energy is always moving and changing, it cannot stop.

All this is easier said than done because choosing to focus on the brighter side can be an uphill battle reason being, our brains are naturally designed to scan the environment for danger or what we call fight or flight adaptation. This makes it easy to focus on the negative aspect of things or what might go wrong instead of vice versa.

Here’s the catch, if your attention is energy and what you focus on grows and multiplies, then we unconsciously spend most of our attention on unwanted situations and circumstances in our lives. It means that every time you ‘noticed’ something negative about your body, your job, your partner, or e.t.c you just spent valuable energy charging that situation.

In fact, we live by default worrying and running away from what we don’t want rather than focusing on what we would like to happen. It’s like trying to put out a fire with petrol.  A simple remedy to this is to count your blessings or adopting attitude of gratitude. Taking stock of every small win in your day can begin to rewire your mind into perceiving life from the glass half-full analogy instead of the glass half-empty perspective.

That’s it for now folks, for the sake of the length of this post the remaining part will be coming soon as part two. Thank you for reading! Don’t forget to share.

With Love
