Having suspicion about whether my thoughts influence physical reality is not new to me. I started noticing a golden thread between my thoughts and the things happening in my life at the tender age of ten. In fact, when I was around fifteen, I had personal undeniable proof that I had caused a certain event to happen with just my imagination.

I remember having one of those ‘what if’ visualization moments or what some people would call ‘day-dreaming’ just for fun, and lo and behold! Several weeks later that fun visualization exercise not only materialized just as I had seen it in my mind’s eye but also exceeded what I thought could be possible. Little did I know that I had accidentally and successfully used powerful universal laws to manifest something into physical reality! What made it stranger is that all it took was only one time.

Let’s just say, these incidences, which at the time I thought were extremely weird, left a mysterious sense that stuck with me from that juncture of my life onwards. Sometime in my mid-twenties, I stumbled on ‘the secret’. Everything I read in that book helped make sense of the unexplained and weird experiences I had growing up. It provided a very important puzzle piece to an undercurrent yearning for answers that I had for many years.

Although it goes way deeper than the secret, at that time, I was like a 5 y/o with a brand new toy. There’s not a single person close to me that I didn’t either recommend the book the secret or let them borrow my copy to read. True story by the way. Up until now, they have never known why the book resonated so much with me.

Throughout the years, there has been increasing scientific evidence that thoughts affect reality. On the off chance that you’ve never noticed a correlation between your thoughts and the world around you, or you’re not familiar with spiritual concepts like the law of attraction, then the title of this post might come as surprising to you. And for good reason, because many people have been conditioned to believe that reality unfolds like clockwork and that the universe is mechanical with events unfolding randomly.

In fact, until recently, most scientists shared the same view. It was not until in the early nineteenth century, as the quest for knowledge about the universe intensified, that science stumbled upon and unlocked a mind-numbing mystery that will forever change our understanding of the nature of the universe and the truth about reality itself.

That at the fundamental level, everything is energy and energy is everything. With increasing verifiable and undeniable proof, science deserted the materialistic view about the nature of the universe in favor of the notion that the physical universe is, in fact, non-physical and that energy, vibrating at different levels of frequency is the foundation upon which everything in existence is based. Meaning that there is a system to the ‘madness’ after all.

You see, atoms are the building blocks of everything in nature. Everything whether solid, liquid, or gas is made up of atoms, and in reality at the subatomic level, scientists discovered that atoms are 99.99% space which is energy. This means that the clothes you wear, the food you eat, your phone, trees, rocks, water, the air you breathe, you, and most importantly your thoughts, intentions, and feelings are vibrating energy with different levels of frequency.

 What this implies is this, you can influence the world around you by tuning into the frequency of the thing you want because the energy you emit through thoughts, feelings, and actions has its unique vibrational frequency that attracts experiences that match it.

What all this means is this, at the fundamental level, all matter in existence runs on the same intelligent software and human beings can manipulate this software with just intentions and emotions to alter things not only in their body but also in the world around them. The mind in its optimal state, can be used just as a remote control to alter things just as how one desires them to be. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at some concrete scientific proof, shall we?

5 Scientific experiments which prove that your thoughts influence your reality.

  1. Dr. Masaru Emoto’s water experiment

During the 90s, a Japanese scientist, named Doctor Masaru Emoto was one of the first people to scientifically prove that our thoughts and intentions have an impact on physical matter. In his experiment, he was able to provide scientific evidence that molecular structures in water can be transformed with human words, thoughts, sounds, and intentions by using magnetic resonance and high-speed photography to capture the crystalline formations of water when exposed to different intentions, music, meditation, and prayer and examining them under a microscope.

His book, The hidden messages in water, shows what happens when water is exposed to different intentions such as love, compassion, peace, and gratitude and how these positive aesthetics change their crystal formations. Positive and negative words have the ability to affect the way water molecules can crystallize.

If thoughts can do this to water, just maybe, every cell in your body might be listening to your thoughts.

However, when water was exposed to anger, aggression, and hatred crystalline formations that resulted appeared to be disconnected, distorted, and displeasing as shown above. It gets stranger, that meditation, prayer, or positive intentions changed the composition of polluted water from distorted crystal formations into beautiful structures.

It is estimated that the human body is about 75% water, is this coincidental? My question is, if words and intentions can affect water, what impact do your thoughts, words, and beliefs have in your own body? Just maybe, every cell in your body might be listening to your thoughts.

2. The observer effect- The double-slit experiment

One of the most fascinating and the strangest quantum physics experiments ever recorded is the double-slit experiment popularly referred to as the observer effect. What still baffles scientists up to this day is they found out that the simple act of observation changes the nature of what is being observed.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

When electrons, tiny particles of matter, are shot through a double-slit without the act of observation, they behave as waves but when the same experiment is repeated with the act of observation, the electrons behave as particles.

It is as if electrons decide to act differently as if they were aware they were being observed. That the act of measurement always disturbs what is being measured, meaning that nothing that is observed or paid attention to is unaffected by the observer. This also means that at the smallest scale matter exists as waves that are, potentials, not as particles as it was initially believed.

When we go deep enough, this realization has a massive implication on our understanding of the nature of reality and that is, everything exists as a potential and it is not until something is observed that it turns from a wave into a particle. Matter changes form just by the presence of awareness!

I understand you might not be totally sold on this idea which is fine but let this sink in for a moment; at the fundamental level, everything in the universe exists primarily as vibrating energy with different levels of frequency. Within this vibrating energy exists infinite possibilities, every possible outcome already exists and our attention is what ‘freezes’ one reality from a sea of possibilities into a single actuality. I believe the phrase ‘Creation is already complete’ points to this fact.

So, thanks to quantum physics we know that it is not until something is observed that it turns from possibility into an actuality, and also energy cannot be created or destroyed it only changes form. When you daydream or visualize and see yourself as having whatever it is that you want, you tune into a version of possibility that already exists in a sea of infinite potentials.

In their purest form, thoughts are energy, you do not create something to imagine, it is a possibility that already exists. If you can imagine it, it already exists. Remember energy cannot be created or destroyed it only changes form. What this implies is that if we observe or pay attention to the future we want through visualization, the attention we pay by visualizing is what turns the possibility into an actuality.

As excerpted from a previous article about the power of attention. Read the full article here

3. The placebo effect

Image by Kaspar Lunt from Pixabay

Picture this, a person suffering from an illness goes to a doctor for treatment. The doctor advises and prescribes the latest most powerful drug that has been recently released from a major pharmaceutical company. The patient fully convicted religiously takes their medicine and afterward, they are completely healed of whatever ailment they had been suffering from. Sounds normal right? EXCEPT, that the ‘latest powerful drug’ was actually a fake or a placebo which didn’t have any effect on the patient’s body.

What about this? A son, gifts his ailing father, whose lungs were badly damaged due to tuberculosis, a small fragment of the true cross from a monk with strange powers who had just returned from a celebrated healing shrine in Europe. This fragment, set in a ring that dates back to the Middle Ages, is believed to have healed countless sufferers over centuries by simply touching it.

When it was handed to him, the father clasped the ring to his chest prayed silently, and went to bed. In the morning, he was healed. All clinical tests proved negative. His tuberculosis never returned and he lived for another fifteen years and died at the age of 89. EXCEPT, that the son’s story was totally made up. He had picked a piece of ordinary wood from the sidewalk, took it to the jeweler, and had it set in an antique gold design.

This amazing story was shared in Dr. Joseph Murphy’s book, the power of your subconscious mind, and together with the patient healed on fake drugs demonstrate the power of the placebo.

So, what is the placebo effect?

The placebo effect is an unexplained phenomenon where fake concoctions of drugs, injections, treatment, therapy, or surgery with no pain-easing properties miraculously make people feel better. There is a whole field of scientific empirical research that has proven that thanks to the placebo effect, patients have experienced relief from a range of ailments including heart problems, asthma, and severe pain although they had received a fake drug or injection. Simply put, these are miraculous healings and improved symptoms despite patients being given non-active treatments like sugar pills which the patients believed were real drugs.

Most scientists like Dr. Joe Dispenza argue that the mind holds tremendous power over our bodies and the placebo effect proves that the body has an inert capacity to heal itself by thought alone. Let this sink in for a moment, the placebo plus ailment equals healing, if the placebo does not have any effect on the body, and it isn’t responsible for the healing what healed the ailment then?

Do we have self-healing abilities that are unlocked by the mind under certain states such as blind belief and expectation? Absolutely yes and the placebo effect is concrete proof of this. If a person believes that a fake treatment is real, their expectations of recovery trigger the healing powers that lay dormant in their subconscious mind. In my opinion, the placebo just tricks people into healing themselves.

4. The science of epigenetics – The weird science behind inherited experience

In an experiment, rats are trained to fear the smell of fruits by administering an electrical jolt every time they smell fruit. As a result and also as evolutionary expected, the rats not only developed a fear of fruit but also grew more neurons to sense the smell of fruit. The rats’ offspring were also born with extra neurons as well. All this is normal EXCEPT, that the offsprings of these same rats feared the smell of fruit even though they have never been subjected to the electrical jolts.

This is evidence of a learned experience been being passed down through genes and guess what, thanks to the new science of epigenetics it has now been proven that humans inherit learned experiences through their genetic makeup. Throughout the years, there have been successful attempts to rob Africans of the legacy of Kemet. Although, there have been DNA studies on Egyptian mummies proving that they were black, the best one being that of Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop, a renowned Senegalese scientist who demonstrated this through the melanin content of mummified remains, the best way to prove this in my opinion is through epigenetics.

CDC defines epigenetics as the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work.  According to Wikipedia, a genome is defined as a record of all genetic information of an organism.  For instance, genes responsible for hair growth, skin, nails, and so on.

Epigenome on the other hand is defined as a record of the chemical changes to the DNA and histone proteins of an organism. To break it down into simpler terms, the genome is the hardware while the epigenome is the software that tells the genome what to do. Think of genome as a DVD player and epigenome as the DVD record itself. The DVD player doesn’t discriminate which record to play while you cannot listen to the record without a DVD player.

you can’t argue with epigenetics

Epigenome doesn’t change your DNA but it decides how much or whether particular genes are expressed in different cells in your body. The genome ‘hardware’, doesn’t know what to do with the stored information, it depends on instructions from the epigenome (‘software’) on what genes to upregulate or downregulate.

The epigenome changes are based on environmental factors such as diet, stress, lifestyle, and guess what? Experiences! And this can be passed down from parent to child through generations.  No pressure or anything but right now, you’re making decisions that will affect thousands of your descendants long after you’re gone. Let me explain.

Nature has a way of preserving the truth

Before the birth of the science of epigenetics which is not older than two decades, in Dr. Bruce Lipton’s words, the main dogma that was taught in almost all medical schools was that genes control our lives. That we were victims of whatever genetic make-up we inherited from our parents which determined our destiny. This idea led to beliefs like ‘this disorder runs in my family’

But how can this be when it has now been proven that your genes only receive instructions from the epigenome on which genes to stimulate and the epigenome/software although inherited, changes based on diet, lifestyle, level of stress, smoking e.t.c? This means that things like stress or depression can lead to a methyl group, which are instruction tags for genes, to make mistakes and bind to the wrong place. Your great-grandmother made decisions that affect you today!

Dr. Joe Dispenza, in a lecture about the science of epigenetics, explains that “It is not the genes that create disease, it is our reaction to the environment, that influences our emotional state and it is our emotions then that has a key factor in sending signals into the cells to cause genes to upregulate or downregulate. Our environment shapes our mind and our mind produces chemicals that determine which genes to be expressed. Genes correlate to disease but they are not the cause of disease and do not control our biology. We are no longer victims, we have the power to change our mindset. We can rise above our subconscious programming and write a new destiny for ourselves.

so then, If the environment signals the gene and the end product of an experience in an environment is called an emotion it is possible that you can signal the gene ahead of the environment? The stronger the emotion that you feel from an experience in your life, the more altered you feel inside of you the more you narrow your focus on the cause and the brain freezes the image and that’s called a memory. People think neurologically within the circuits of past experiences and they think chemically within the boundaries of those emotions. How you think and feel creates your state of being. So in a sense highly charged emotional events can signal genes to cause the body to change.

If a person, after waking up every morning searches for the familiar feeling that they call themselves. The moment they get in touch with those feelings and the feelings influences their thoughts and are creating the same chemicals. Then, if they are living by the same emotions, it makes sense that they are stimulating the same genes, in the same way, every single day and are now headed for a genetic destiny because there is no new information that is coming from the environment that begin to stimulate new genes. By changing their internal state, people can be able to upregulate or select new genes.”

The knowledge about how epigenetics works changes everything! First of all, no one can claim victim of genetic heredity, because that is totally reprogrammable. If you’re naturally good at something, it means some ancestors up your genetic line did the work for you. To think that our habits, health, state of mind, personality, and skills are a result of the experiences and the choices of our parents’ parents’ parents’ is a little bit scary for me.

For one good reason and this concerns black people in particular. If emotion, which is the end product of an experience, is the one that creates chemicals that determine the kind of genes to be upregualted or down regulated as shown in Dr. Joe Dispenza’s lecture above, then most black people have a lot of shadow work and healing to do.

Think about this, as black people, we all have stored cellular memories of the atrocities subjected to our ancestors for the past 500 years which affect us today. There was a time they were hunt down like animals and experienced unthinkable suffering and misery. During this time, our ancestors’ main aim was surviving rather than thriving and as expected, they only signaled genes to help them survive based on this environment which has been passed down through generations.

The science of inherited experience is demonstrated.

Inheriting this trauma through epigenetics, today may manifest as a lack of self-belief, not standing up for yourself, feeling unworthy, extreme negative self-talk or putting yourself down, negative self-image, and so much more because these are the traits they needed to survive. There was a time something like speaking up would have gotten your ancestor shot on the spot, now you may have a hard time expressing how you like to be treated or setting boundaries by speaking up, springing from the genetic trauma you inherited because these are the traits that kept your ancestors alive.

Sadly, as long as this inherited trauma is not erased from your cellular memory, it will continue to affect your life and that of your children and their children. By choosing to identify negative beliefs and self-sabotaging behavior and reprogramming them, you delete these negative experiences from your cellular memory.

Changing your mindset and habits not only benefits you now but also every person that will descend from you. When you work on yourself by reprogramming your subconscious mind, forgiving and healing, and adopting positive habits that are aimed at polishing you to being the best version of yourself, you are gifting an upgraded ‘software’ to your children and your children’s children. You are the ancestor that breaks negative generational cycles. By changing your mindset and habits, healing, and releasing generational trauma, you are rewriting your destiny and that of your descendants.

5. The 4-minute mile run

This is not a ‘scientific experiment per se but a feat worth noting in regards to mind over matter phenomenon. When Roger Bannister, a British medical student, attempted to break the world record for running a mile in under 4 minutes, no one believed he could do it. At that time, it was considered impossible because no one had done it before.

source: Guinness world records website

In an attempt to achieve what was to be an impossible feat doctors advised Roger, that it was physiologically impossible to run a mile in under 4 minutes and that his heart would explode. And for the longest time, many athletes, except Roger, didn’t even try to achieve running a mile under 4 minutes because they ACCEPTED that it was impossible to do.

It might not seem like much today, because in 2019 an elite Kenyan athlete named Eliud kipchoge ran a full marathon that is 26 miles in under 2 minutes in the widely televised INEOS 1:59 Austria event. I wonder why he didn’t make it to the Guinness world records. Anyway, at that time it was considered physiologically impossible for a human.

Until, one fine day, in May of 1954, Roger banister would make a slot for himself in Guinness world records book for being the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. What’s crazy about this story is this, within 4 years of Roger Banister breaking the 4-minute world record, 20 more people recorded a mile in under 4 minutes!

Think about this for a moment, for hundreds of years, in that part of the world, of course, no one was able to run a mile in under 4 minutes, but once one person proved that it was possible, 20 more people did it in a short time. What happened to Doctors’ opinions? Did anyone die in the process or did their bodies evolve so that they could run faster? Absolutely not!

 After Roger banister, people believed that it was possible because someone else had done it. The simple mindset shift from impossible to possible is what enabled them to achieve this feat proving that people often limit themselves by accepting certain beliefs. In the same way, people could break mental barriers and achieve the unthinkable by challenging certain beliefs. Remember everything is created twice, first in the mind then in reality. Something may seem impossible until someone else does it even if the person (s) is in history books.

This makes me wonder if the experiences of those before us can make or break mental barriers like in the case above, what does omitting an entire race’s rich legacy do to their self-esteem, mindset, and belief in themselves as a collective? What happens to a generation of black kids fed false history that their ancestors were a bunch of uncivilized savages before they were colonized and enslaved? A real 4-minute mile effect example is erasing thousands of years of rich legacy and replacing it with only 5 centuries of a negative one.

Erasing the 4-minute mile effect

Versus what if we were shown the full picture such as the How the Moors, black Africans who not only civilized Europe twice but ruled Europe for almost 800 years? or descending from the greatest people to have ever lived the people of Kemet (Egypt). No one works hard to omit a race’s history unless the absence of that history would contribute to their mental incapacitation.

The mind can achieve anything through belief and one of the ways belief can be cultivated is from good experiences even when these experiences come from historical figures who LOOK LIKE US. If we are falsely led to believe that no one before us did anything important, then we’ll always try to be like the people we are told come from ‘important people’.

We’ll always look outside of us for solutions to our problems because our own ancestors didn’t know anything. This means that we have to speak, behave and do everything as the people who we’re told know it all if we want to be ‘something’. Unconsiously, we believe that being our authentic selves sets us back just as how our ancestors were. Ironically, everything we need is inside of us and this is the last place we’ll look.

Thank you for Reading! Sharing is Caring 😍

until the next post.

In truth, With Love.
