“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” Nikola Tesla

What is the *bleep* is vibration and what does it have to do with anything? Well, EVERYTHING! Have you’ve ever come across the term ‘vibration’ and dismissed it as spiritual mumbo jumbo? If yes, then read on to learn how ‘your level of vibration’ dictates the quality of every aspect of your life. Vibration is the emotional state of being of a person or the energetic condition of a place, object, person, or situation.

In this article, you’ll discover the science behind raising your vibration, how the level of vibration you’re at impacts your life plus 3 powerful ways to raise your vibration permanently in 30 days and become aligned with your best life possible. According to quantum physics, which is the study of matter at the subatomic level, atoms are mostly empty space, there’s nothing there except energy waves in a constant state of motion. Everything including humans is made up of atoms.

Quantum physicists have also uncovered quite shocking and unbelievable facts about the nature of our reality. That everything is energy and energy is everything! This energy moves, vibrates, and travels in circular patterns. Everything in the universe is in motion whether solid, liquid, or gas.  This is the law of vibration.

This means that the clothes you wear, the food you eat, your phone, the trees, rocks, water, the air you breathe, you, and most importantly your thoughts and feelings, are vibrating energy at the fundamental level with different levels of frequency.

A frequency is a level of vibration and there are infinite levels of frequencies. Now, this is where Nikola Tesla’s statement above ties everything neatly into ‘perspective. Everything is energy, this energy vibrates and has different levels of frequency. Things that are on the same frequency vibrate and are magnetized toward each other.

Image by Karin Henseler from Pixabay

The diagram below is the hertz vibrations scale. It ranks emotions and states of being into different frequencies. As depicted, negative emotions such as shame, guilt, and fear rank the lowest. Think of it like vehicles moving on the road at different rates. Negative emotions have a low vibration while positive emotions have a very high vibration.

For instance, think back to a time when you were in a negative situation and when it got resolved it felt as if a ‘weight’ had been lifted off you, or the heavy feeling you get in your gut when you receive bad news or when you’re so bored that time feels like it’s moving in reverse. When you’re on a high vibration you feel very light, happy, and time just flies by. The reason why it always seems like time flies when you’re having fun is that you’re on a high vibration.

hertz vibrational scale

 You may have experienced a day when you were on a “lucky streak” when one good thing after another happened, it is as if someone waved a magic wand on you and you had the best day of your life. On the other hand, the reverse may have happened and you thought you were having “bad luck’’. There’s no such thing as good luck or bad luck, whatever frequency you’re on, magnetically attracts events, circumstances, and people to match that frequency. This is called the law of attraction. Like attracts like.

You create your luck through the vibration you emit. Good thing is, you can shift your frequency by changing your thoughts and feelings. Through consistent practice of the methods that I am going to discuss in this blog post, you can learn to live on a high vibration, and just like tuning on to a certain radio frequency, when you shift to a frequency of love and joy you only experience the reality that corresponds to that frequency.

Reality is stranger than we think. Life just doesn’t happen to us or things happen randomly. Everything in our universe operates on laws with mathematical precision.  Dr. Wernher Von Braun considered the father of the space program is quoted to have said that the natural laws of the universe are so precise, that we don’t have any difficulty building a space ship, sending it to the moon and we can time the landing to the precision of a fraction of a second. He also said that these laws must have been set by ‘someone’.

The universe operates on precise and unbiased laws. We are governed by perfect universal laws and they do not recognize your problems, needs, wants, desires, or fears, they only know your vibration. The level of vibration you are at is determined by the quality of your thoughts and feelings. The higher your vibration, the closer you are to the Divine and aligned to the best things and people that life has to offer and the reverse is also true.

Your attitude towards life is what draws rewards or problems to you because universal laws do not question anything. If you’re in a state of fear or judgment that is what you are vibrating out and is what will be drawn back to you.

Our level of vibration not only influences how we feel but also impacts the people around us. Being around Someone with ‘good vibes’ positively impact our own and vice versa. Vibration is highly infectious. I came across an interesting explanation on the physical awareness of vibration in one of Bob proctor’s lectures and I am going to quote him here verbatim

”If someone is standing behind you let’s say in a mall, and they are staring at you, you will feel it. Feeling is conscious awareness of vibration. Their concentration sends a powerful charge of energy to your brain which sets up an uncomfortable feeling in you and you turn around, sure enough, someone is standing there staring at you.” This is conscious awareness of vibration.

Everything in the universe is connected, the problem is, we don’t perceive this sense of connectedness.  We swim in an ocean of energy that connects everything and everyone just as fish and all sea creatures immersed in water. Just because this energy is invisible doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. We can’t see infrared red or gamma rays with our naked eyes but they do exist. what about life, can you see life? Our senses can only perceive less than 1% of the electromagnetic spectrum. This means that 99% of what goes on in our reality cannot be perceived with our senses.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

EVERYTHING is also magnetic and has a magnetic frequency. Our thoughts produce an electric charge while our feelings emit a magnetic charge. The human body produces an electromagnetic force field. In fact, researchers at the heart math institute in California have discovered that the heart sends out an electromagnetic field of almost three feet from our bodies. This is scientific proof of what is referred to as an ‘aura’ by spiritual teachers.

The quality of your aura or electromagnetic field is determined by the beliefs (how you feel predominantly) you hold and it attracts situations, circumstances, and people that match its vibration.  Whatever you’re feeling determines your frequency and like a powerful magnet, you attract circumstances and people that match that frequency through the law of attraction.

Every person has a unique dominant vibration. Your dominant vibration is a culmination of the subconscious beliefs that you unconsciously acquired as a child. These beliefs evoke certain emotions or feelings which in turn determine your frequency.

To have a dominant vibration means that you recycle your thoughts and feelings which in turn create the same experiences day in day out. According to experts, an average person has about 70,000 thoughts every day and 95% of these are repetitive. The level of success or failure in any undertaking is determined by the beliefs you hold about that aspect of your life. This means that you are not vibrationally aligned with the things that you struggle with.

For example, people who are not aligned with the vibration of financial abundance, tend to attract situations that keep them within a certain financial limit and if by any chance, at a particular time they got ‘lucky’ and had a little more money to spend, something always comes up such as an illness that drains away from them the extra money they had.

This happens because they have a certain vibrational threshold based on their beliefs. The more you react negatively towards an unwanted circumstance in your life you not only reinforce that situation but you also draw similar experiences to your life.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there’s to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy, this is physics.” Albert Einstein

How your life is now is a reflection of your level of vibration, just like a mirror, your life reflects back to you your vibration. If there are undesirable situations in your life, realize that you have the power to shift your level of vibration at any given time. Instead of letting your emotions run on autopilot, take deliberate actions to raise your frequency.

‘Creation is already complete’ everything that you want to be, do or have already exists here and now but on a different frequency. All you have to do to get it is match the frequency of the reality you want by lifting and living on a high frequency through practicing the following powerful habits that target the three levels of your being – mind, body, and soul – to raise your vibration and feel high all the time.

  1. Practice gratitude (for the soul)
Photo by Brett Jordan from Pexels

Gratitude is powerful energy. It is said to be one of the highest expressions of love. But to harness this powerful energy, you need to practice gratitude right. Just stating the words ‘thank you’ plainly does not reap the benefits of the power of gratitude. I learned to practice gratitude right after reading The Magic by Rhonda Byrne. When done right, one should feel a surge of joy and happiness arise within after practicing gratitude. Counting your blessings is the most powerful and fastest way to change your life.

Gratitude is not only the golden thread that runs through every major teaching of every great spiritual and religious teacher that has ever lived but is also now highly emphasized by a lot of great scientists like Dr. Joe Dispenza. This is due to the fact that it is the fastest way to raise your vibration and if done CONSISTENTLY it will raise your vibration permanently.   

“Gratitude, the great multiplier”- From the Magic by Rhonda Byrne

When you’re grateful for the things you have, no matter how small they may be, you will receive more of those things. If you’re grateful for the money you have, however little, you will receive more money. If you’re grateful for a relationship, even if it is not perfect, the relationship will get better. If you’re grateful for the job you have, even if it’s not your dream job, you will receive better opportunities in your work. Because gratitude is the great multiplier of life!’’         

Take a few minutes preferably in the morning right after you wake up and at night right before bed and write down in a notebook ten things you are grateful for every day for 30 days. The catch here is to make it a habit so that it becomes automatic. Consistency is key.

We are creatures of habit, and mostly our thoughts, feelings, and actions are always on autopilot, it is important to do this practice every single day because according to experts it takes at least 21 days to rewire our brains to form new habits. During this time, count the things you’re grateful for as well as the things that you want AS IF you have received them. Gratitude is the Holy Grail in raising our vibration, when you practice gratitude, you’re living by a major universal law that governs our lives, the law of vibration.

More Tips: forgiveness, doing acts of kindness, Deep breathing, creativity, hugging, acceptance.

2. Meditate (for the mind)

Photo by Oluremi Adebayo from Pexels

There are thousands of scientific studies on meditation, it is no surprise considering the immense benefits meditation has on our emotional and even physiological levels. Meditation has been scientifically proven to reduce anxiety, decrease blood pressure, cure insomnia, increase creativity and imagination, help to fight addictions, increase self-awareness among other great benefits.

Despite many misconceptions, meditation isn’t about emptying your mind or controlling your thoughts, meditation is about training your attention and observing your thoughts without any judgment.

Simple as this sounds, meditation anchors our awareness into the present moment as our minds tend to project to future events which may or may not happen to cause us unnecessary anxiety or wander back into the past causing us stress. Meditation also raises our emotional breaking point. You’ll notice that things that used to get you worked up won’t bother you anymore, this is key to raising your vibration because when you meditate, you learn to take your feelings off autopilot and take charge of your mind.

The word meditation means to become familiar with. You cannot use what you are not familiar with. When you meditate you ‘become familiar’ with your thought patterns and gain control of your emotional state. Meditation is like taking your mind to the gym. You reap its benefits over time just like you don’t expect to go to the gym once and voila! you have perfect abs, it has to take time.

According to Psychologists, an average person has over 70,000 thoughts every day and 95% of these thoughts are repetitive. Just as you cannot control your heartbeat, you cannot control your thoughts. You may be familiar with the phrase ‘you are not your mind’. The mind is a tool and it does what it is supposed to do, however, trouble arises when the tool takes over. It is true that the mind is a powerful tool but are you using IT or is it using you? A majority of people let their minds run the show which results in anxiety, depression, and even illnesses.

The version of you that has whatever it is that you want thinks and acts differently. You cannot expect to get or become a better version of yourself if you keep regurgitating your thoughts. If you want better you must first become better and it all begins by upgrading your thoughts, that’s where meditation comes in.

More tips: watch high vibe music, books, T.V, think positive thoughts, laughter, smiling.

3. Movement (for the body)

Photo by Daniel Reche from Pexels

The fact that everything in nature is in a constant state of motion including our bodies is no accident or fluke of nature. Any form of movement like walking, cycling, going for a run, swimming, dancing, stretching, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, or any physical activity has short-term as well as long-term benefits.

Moving our bodies promotes the increase in feel-good chemicals like endorphins, dopamine, and adrenaline which are all associated with feeling happy, confident, and capable while reducing stress and anxiety all of which directly impact our vibration positively.

You don’t have to do a typical workout if you’re not into exercising, however, you can incorporate any type of physical movement into your daily routine to help in raising your vibration. The more you move, the more your energy vibrates which helps in freeing stagnant energy and raising your vibration.

What you eat and drink also directly impacts your vibration because what you consume is energy. You are what you eat and drink. Eating plenty of high vibe food that has life in them like fruits and vegetables lifts your vibration higher.

More tips: spend time in nature, yoga, exercise, sunshine, dancing, singing, grounding.

Cheat code nugget;

Everything has its opposites. Just as there cannot be rain without sunshine or cold with our hot, there cannot be extreme negative without positive, poverty without wealth, misery without happiness, or good without bad. This is the law of polarity and its states that everything is dual and that there are two poles or opposites to everything.

Every aspect of your life is also subject to the law of polarity and it is on either side of the poles. What determines the level at which a certain aspect of your life resides on the continuum is your level of vibration or how you predominantly feel about that area of your life. The quickest way to shift any situation for the better is to feel good about that aspect of your life no matter what happens on the outside. 

If you are predominantly on a low vibration, you will be drawn to the negative poles of every situation and person. On the other hand, being on a high vibration guarantees that you are only magnetized to the positive poles of every circumstance and person. Create your good luck every day by deliberately taking time to lift your vibration. The quality of your life depends on it.

With love 😍
