At one point or another, we all have been exposed to the idea that our thoughts influence the world around us. Negative thoughts bring about negative circumstances while positive thoughts lead to positive outcomes or what is commonly referred to as your ‘mindset’.

Our thoughts become things. In fact, there is an entire industry of motivational speakers created around this premise. Although it is factually true that positive thoughts yield positive outcomes, shouldn’t we be able to create positive lives almost overnight then?  

If all we needed to do to get the things we want is think positive thoughts then everyone who does this would become rich, happy, and successful almost overnight but this is not the case. People who try this are often met with a resounding failure this is due to the fact that positive thinking on the surface level deals with the conscious mind. It is like having a mango seed in your hand and waiting to harvest a juicy mango without planting the mango tree first.

Photo by Binyamin Mellish from Pexels

Positive thoughts are the seeds and for them to reap anything, they have to be conveyed into the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the part of the mind that we are aware of and is the one that thinks positively. But this portion of the mind is only responsible for 5% of our lives.

Beyond the veil of our limited conscious mind, lies the almighty, powerful and miraculous part of the mind that we are unaware of, the subconscious mind. This mind is a million times more powerful than the conscious mind and is the one that determines the people, objects, events, and circumstances that come into our lives through the law of attraction.

The subconscious mind is all-powerful and very resourceful but it doesn’t have ‘its own will’. It is like electricity or petrol. Just as electricity or gasoline are only forms of energy that need to be put to whatever use someone pleases, the subconscious mind is a source of energy and unlimited creative power that is fully adequate and freely available within each one of us which needs to be put into use.

The same intelligence that ‘’guides the planets in their course and causes the sun to shine’’ is the one that is adequately available within each one of us in our subconscious mind. It never rests, stops, or never sleeps and its job is to keep us alive.  

The subconscious mind is not only the intelligence that runs through every cell, organ, and physiological function in our body, but it is also the portion of the mind that is responsible for creating our reality. It works just like the womb or the soil. Just as how the soil and the womb need seeds for them to reproduce, so does reality’s womb the subconscious mind.

Our job is to impregnate the subconscious mind with the initial idea, when done correctly, it will move mountains and it will work in very mysterious ways to bring it to fruition. We don’t have to think about how seeds attract the exact nutrients and moisture they need to grow in the ground or how a baby grows in its mother’s womb. These are miracles that science is yet to fully decode.

Photo by João Paulo de Souza Oliveira from Pexels

The importance of the subconscious mind cannot be overstated and I believe what we know about the mysteries that lay hidden deep in this magical part of our minds doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface. However, everything has its place and with an important gap to fill, this is where the conscious mind completes the puzzle. Although the conscious mind is very limited, it plays a crucial role in giving the subconscious mind direction or the initial idea.

The conscious mind is the one that has a will but it doesn’t have power. Just as electricity or any form of energy that needs someone to put them into use, the subconscious mind cannot use itself, the conscious mind has to be used to direct the subconscious mind. This relationship can be likened to the car (subconscious mind)/your body and the driver (conscious mind)!

This symbiotic relationship represents one of the most important laws of nature, the law of gender. This law not only determines how everything in nature reproduces but also how we manifest things into our lives whether we use this law consciously or unconsciously.

The conscious mind is the masculine part of our mind that is responsible for the seed, wishes, and desires, and the subconscious mind is the feminine part of our mind that reproduces whatever seed it is given just as how the soil grows whatever seed it is given. That is why we ‘impregnate’ the subconscious mind and through the law of Gestation, the seed matures into a fruit or a manifestation.

The subconscious mind is feminine and the conscious mind is masculine

But, if there lurks deep within each one of us a bottomless well of creative insight and talent at our disposal, why isn’t everyone who thinks positive thoughts happy and abundant in every way?

This can be attributed to two important reasons; First, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind do not understand or speak the same ‘language’. The conscious mind is the one that speaks and understands different man-made languages because it is the tool that is responsible for directing or ‘driving’ us through our physical world. The conscious mind is connected to our physical senses and is the one that is tied to this physical world.

The subconscious mind, however, understands one universal ‘language’ across the entire human race although there are thousands of languages that exist in the world today, and that is emotion. The subconscious mind is purely spiritual and it doesn’t know what is going on in the physical world, it only reproduces our emotions good or bad.

This means that if someone desires good health, and they think positive thoughts such as ‘I am healthy’, the subconscious mind doesn’t know what this means because it doesn’t understand any language. These are just words only understood by the conscious mind. The subconscious mind only understands words when they are accompanied by strong emotions or intentions. For this desire to bear fruit, the law of gender must be fulfilled, the subconscious mind must be impregnated with the idea of good health through emotion. This can be achieved by making the feeling of bursting with radiant health your predominant emotion through repetition.

Secondly, every single one of us, underneath the surface has a series of programs/beliefs that we acquired during the first seven years of life that run automatically without our conscious awareness. Scientists have revealed that we operate 95% of our lives from the subconscious mind which means that 95% of our behavior as adults today is whatever programming we acquired as children.

These beliefs exert absolute control over every aspect of our lives. The subconscious mind by default reproduces whatever beliefs we were programmed with without discrimination. Belief is the precursor for every physical experience in life and belief is fuelled and reinforced by emotion.

For instance, if you were asked to give a speech, but you had experiences in your childhood of being put down whenever you expressed yourself or based on how you observed your parents behave in such a situation, then speaking in public becomes difficult as an adult.

You may use positive thoughts, gather a little confidence, and get up on that stage, but within seconds, the subconscious catalog is being thoroughly checked on how to deal with the current situation. Thoughts of confidence at the moment are thwarted by feelings of panic and fear resulting in losing your voice, your palms becoming sweaty or your heart rate going up. Whenever the conscious mind and the subconscious mind are in disagreement, the subconscious mind will always triumph.

image credit: pixabay

This catalogue of experience around public speaking created a negative self-belief which then became your identity or your ego. Each one of us adopted different personas based on the environment we were exposed to. This applies to every belief we hold and is how people come to have different self-beliefs such as I am not good at public speaking, I am good with money, I am a very confident person, and so forth.

These beliefs are intimately linked with their corresponding emotions in our subconscious mind and are played as memories in our conscious mind in every waking moment. Every program you hold is stored as a memory with a corresponding emotion in your subconscious mind.

In the public speaking case above, in an attempt to ‘protect’ you from being put down again, once you get up on that stage, a doubting and skeptical voice in form of your ego will go like, you are terrible at public speaking, remember what happened the last time? Who do you think you are, Obama?

You will always make decisions and behave in ways that are consistent with whatever persona you adopted and when you try to deviate from this persona, like thinking positive thoughts the egoistic voice will replay negative experiences you had the last time you performed the act which will evoke feelings of fear, dread, and panic and you’ll be like ‘I can’t do it’, ‘this will never work’. If you think about it, no one on the outside can judge, criticize, torment, and bully us more than the egoistic skeptical voice that plays in our heads constantly without an off button.

Image credit: Pixabay

To sum it all up, you have a catalogue of experiences or programs in your subconscious mind which are memories with their corresponding emotions from which your identity spring.

You also have behaviors, character traits, and a personality that not only resulted from these experiences but were also built to fiercely defend these beliefs. This self-identity is the ego and is the source of most problems that people who have negative programming face today.

The ego is not inherently bad, it is a double-edged sword. It can be very resourceful to people who have empowering beliefs and lead to success just as it can be condescending and become your biggest bully freezing you with fear and delusion and is the reason why positive thinking doesn’t work.

Remember for positive thoughts to reap anything, they have to be conveyed to the subconscious mind but due to programming, the ego safeguards against any contradicting information being relayed into the subconscious mind, and it will reject any information that is not consistent with your self-belief good or bad. When you think positive thoughts the ego stops them dead in their tracks like in the public speaking case above. The goal here is to slip information directly into the subconscious mind by bypassing the conscious mind. I gladly look forward to discussing how to achieve this in upcoming posts.

Cheat code nugget;  

Reprogramming your subconscious mind is key to breaking away from the constraints of negative habitual behavior and rewiring our beliefs to suit personal preferences. Basically, this is key to getting whatever we want from life, and believe it or not whenever you’ve had something work out for you, it is because you have a belief that supports it or you were able to plant a seed in the subconscious mind which then sprouted into ‘the fruit’ in your life.

Simply speaking, you successfully relayed the idea into the subconscious mind. Conversely, when you fail to get something out of life it is because a). You do not have a belief that supports it and b). the idea has not been conveyed to the subconscious mind for it to act on it. This is equivalent to holding a seed in your hand and expecting to harvest without planting the seed first.

With Love